Character Analysis: Raven
In case you were wondering…
- As a DC character, Raven has of course been subjected to multiple Crisis events and reboots. Raven’s history, and the New Teen Titans as a whole, continued basically uninterrupted from pre-Crisis to post-Crisis, and there have been numerous references to the pre-Crisis events of the run since, solidifying that era as canon. Likewise, while Raven was rebooted in the Flashpoint event for the New 52, the Rebirth event has since largely merged pre-Flashpoint and post-Flashpoint histories. Multiple storylines since Rebirth have acknowledged multiple eras of the Teen Titans as having happened, from pre-Crisis to post-Crisis to post-Flashpoint. While there’s obviously some contradictions in the timeline, the idea seems to be that, for someone like Raven, her entire mainline comic history is canon. I’ll also be including feats from some dubiously canon/out-of-continuity stories, such as Titans: Burning Rage, as Raven is basically the exact same character as her main self in them. The comic Titans United specifically is described as “canon adjacent”, taking place in its own sort of reality close to the comics, and is not designed to break anything from the main canon
- Raven’s parents, Arella and Trigon, have some notable feats and abilities of their own. As Arella’s powers are derived from most of the same training as Raven, and she has admitted her powers have never been as strong as her daughter’s, feats from her can be included as something Raven could at least hypothetically perform. Something similar applies for Phantasm, a being composed of the souls of Azarath’s denizens, Danny Chase, and Arella merged together, who seems to have the knowledge of its component parts and whose powers have been directly compared to Raven’s in function. Likewise, Raven seems to gain many of Trigon’s abilities as she embraces her darker self, and she’s defeated her father multiple times at the peaks of her power. While it’s admittedly less clear, I’ll therefore include some of Trigon’s feats as stuff Raven could arguably replicate. The same goes for Raven’s many brothers and sisters, such as Belial and the 7 Deadly Sins, who I’ll also be mentioning feats from for the sake of comprehensiveness
- Real Name: Raven
- AKA: Rachel Roth, Pride, Rae
- Height: 5’11’’ | 1.80 m
- Weight: 139 lbs | 63 kg
- Groups: Teen Titans, Titans, Seven Deadly Sins, Justice League (kinda)
- Has an on-and-off relationship with Beast Boy
- Technically the aunt of Etrigan and Merlin
- Regularly watches Gossip Girl, Conan, and depressing foreign films
The devil’s followers exploited Angela’s vulnerability and desire for belonging, and soon indoctrinated her into their cult, eventually choosing her as the summoner for the devil. Laying on a ritualistic circle, the skies went dark above her, and before her was the image of an impossibly beautiful man, enthralling her. It was only after they made love that the man revealed his true form - that of a hideous, savage demon, like pure evil manifested. This was the demon lord Trigon, and Angela was now bearing his child.
Betrayed by the experience, Angela fell into the pits of despair, stumbling through the streets with no hope in life. That was until, at her lowest point, a mystic portal opened up in front of her, with a hand beckoning her through. This was the alternate dimension of Azarath, and its denizens would give Angela a new lease on life. Taking the name Arella, she trained in their magical ways, eventually bearing her demonic child in the realm. This daughter, who she named Raven, was feared by the people of Azarath, serving as a direct gateway for Trigon to enter their realm and destroy all. As a result, Raven was trained in their empathic ways, taught to restrain any emotions, any feelings of love or hate, to prevent any risk of succumbing to her demonic self.
Raven spent her life secluded in Azarath, in a constant mental struggle against her father’s influence. As an adult, Raven sensed Trigon’s influence increasing, and realized that her father would imminently launch an attack on Earth. With no other options and the pacifistic people of Azarath refusing to take action, Raven traveled to Earth and went about assembling a team of heroes to stop the upcoming demonic invasion. These heroes would come together to form the new Teen Titans, and successfully helped to seal away Trigon in the nether-verse before he could destroy the planet.
Even still, Raven was tormented by the influence of her father, at war with her own emotions and her inability to express them without risk, and only intensified by her growing relationships with the Titans, who acted a sort-of family for her. It was only inevitable, then, that Trigon would eventually return, and take over his daughter completely. Trigon decimated both Azarath and Earth, imprisoning and torturing every hero present. The corrupted Raven was made to attack her own friends, forcing them to kill her. All hope seemed to be lost, until Raven’s body was used to channel the souls of Azarath, and the power of their goddess Azar herself. The glowing, radiant Raven obliterated the demon lord in a flash of light, before simply disappearing, her own team unaware of her fate.
Nearly a year passed before the Titans discovered that Raven was still alive, now brainwashed and empowered by the Church of Blood. Her surrogate family managed to free her, and she soon rejoined the team, free of the influence of Trigon and finally being able to express all the emotions she long-held dormant. At least, at first. Turns out the souls of Azarath still existed, and had been corrupted by the lingering soul of Trigon. Taking refuge in fellow Titan Jericho, they soon wormed their way into Raven’s soul and yet again corrupted her completely. Now a full-fledged supervillainess, this Dark Raven aimed to resurrect her many fallen demonic brothers and sisters into new bodys, which, unbeknownst to her, would resurrect Trigon himself. It was only after her friends completely obliterated the evil from her soul, and the spirit of Trigon within her, that she was finally purified. Now appearing as a golden soul, without a body, she could truly start anew.
Much time would pass, and the lingering soul of Raven was ultimately resurrected in a new, younger body by the Church of Blood, who actually worshiped Trigon. She was rescued by the newly formed next generation of Teen Titans, and joined the team yet again. Now in a 15-year old body, she ended up attending high school, taking the name Rachel Roth, and began a (very drama-heavy) romance with her teammate Beast Boy. She seeked to live a simple, normal experience with simple, normal people. Even with some interruptions from her brothers, the literal Seven Deadly Sins trying to corrupt her yet again, she always managed to prevail with the help of her friends, and could live a life that was truly her own.
But this is DC, so come the New 52 and that was all thrown out the window! Still, the new, rebooted Raven followed a similar background to her original self. Kidnapped by Trigon, she was forced to serve as a general in his demonic army, conquering worlds in his steed. That path took her to Earth, where she joined the Teen Titans, a group of heroic teenagers fighting back against Trigon’s invasion. While initially conflicted over her loyalties and true intentions, Raven would find herself accepted by the Titans as an equal, and a friend. With the influence of Trigon no longer puppeteering her, she moved in with the family of her mother’s sister, Alice, and once more attended high school in the pursuit of normality.
Now with her own friend-circle at school, a new relationship with Beast Boy, and a family that accepts her for who she is (alongside the merging of her old and new selves), Raven’s lot in life is looking up. Having banished Trigon yet again, she currently works as a teacher in the newly formed Titans Academy, guiding students who suffer from as much conflict in life as she did. She may struggle with her emotions, and she may come from pure darkness, but with the help of her friends and family, Raven will always end up fighting for what’s right.
While DC’s timeline is all sorts of messed up, Raven has been a member of the Teen Titans for at least over three years total, and nearly 40 years in terms of real-life chronology. Raven spent the first 18 years of her life training her empathic powers under the priests of Azarath and the goddess Azar herself, specifically being noted as a ravenous student who desired to learn everything she could. She has experience fighting against a wide variety of power-sets, on top of the regular training sessions the Titans undergo. What’s more, in the New 52, Raven spent “an eternity” conquering worlds for Trigon and training under him (even as she was only gone for years on Earth, time passes differently in Trigon’s realm). In recent comics, she has led the Titans alongside Nightwing, and she’s even served as a teacher for others with similar powers to her.She may not have any explicit formal hand-to-hand training, but she clearly isn’t unfamiliar with such scenarios, having defeated multiple cultists and even her demonic brother Envy in physical confrontations, likely due to the Titans’ training sessions. She also regularly works out, and has some experience in manipulating and tricking others for her own ends.
Raven has worn several uniforms over her history. Her original cloak is a standard robe worn by the denizens of Azarath, vulnerable to being set on fire. After being brainwashed by Brother Blood, she took on a white version of her robes, which became her standard outfit for the rest of the run. Her New 52 outfit notably has a retractable mask and a feathered cloak, which Raven can shift at her will into various shapes in order to restrain or attack her opponents. She can consistently shift into her various uniforms with her powers at will.- Shifts from her white robes to her black robes in an instant
- Changes costume as she teleports
- Changes into costume while flying away
- Switches costumes mid-flight
- Shifts from civilian clothes to her uniform upon waking up
- Instantly shifts into her uniform while being attacked
- Her uniform seems to morph around her as she summons it, shown again here
- Switches into her uniform in a flash
- Shapes her feathered cloak into a massive claw
- Shapes her cloak into a pair of restraints around some monsters
- Grows her cloak to a very large size
- Her cloak seems to shift around her when she’s damaged
- Uses her blue feathers to knock off a mind control device
- Drags in a shark-man with her cloak
A communicator for the Titans, that allows for quick long-distance calls between members. The out-of-continuity story New Teen Titans: Games depicts the communicator as residing in the Raven emblem on her cloak, while the dubiously canon Titans: Titans Together portrays it as an earbud.- Contacting the Titans on her communicator
- Shot of her communicator, which she left behind at a house
- Communicator is located in the emblem on her cloak
- Speaks to Nightwing through a communicator on her wrist
- Communicates with Nightwing
- Can be contacted via cellphone
- Communicator is depicted as an earbud, alongside a cell-phone for contact
Best recognised as the red jewel located on Raven’s forehead. Pre-Flashpoint, it serves to help control her powers and strengthen them, such as allowing her to break free from mind control. Without it, her powers are notably diminished. Post-Flashpoint, when given a big enough power surge, it’s used as a sort of portal to bring Trigon to Earth.
- Strengthens and allows her to control her powers
- Breaks her free of a trance when placed on her forehead
- Used to create a portal to bring Trigon to Earth after receiving a power surge. It’s said that Raven’s “Soul-Jewel” is dying with her as she’s attacked, suggesting the portal is tied to her life-force
Legion Flight Ring
Pretty much everyone in DC has had one of these at some point. Allows Raven to fly through the vacuum of space.Lenses
A tacky pair of lenses Raven wore to block Jericho’s possession, which is based on eye-contact.Ramat Stone
A mystical gem which allows the user to find beings imbued with sorcery, with Raven’s being tied to herself. She gave one to Donna Troy as a contingency for if she ever became corrupted. Perhaps more notably though, Raven can place a sliver of her own “pure essence” into the stone, which can become sentient if she ever turns evil, and can then emerge from the stone and fight back. She used this ability to defeat her dark self.
- Allows Donna and the Titans to locate Raven by joining hands and thinking of her, teleporting them to her location (which was in an alternate dimension)
- A sliver of Raven’s pure essence emerges from the stone and defeats her dark self, explained here. It’s stated that the stone won’t work twice
Magical Items
A set of various magical implants and talismans owned by Raven, which act as surefire ways to kill her. She gave them to her friends as a contingency for if she ever became evil again.Ebon-Sword
A sword used by Raven as she served under Trigon. She doesn’t do much with it on-screen.Rings of Azar
A pair of mystical rings given to Raven by the goddess Azar before she died. They act as a “nexus” to Raven’s soul, and through them Raven can feel Azar herself guiding her. Their true purpose, however, is to destroy Trigon himself. Upon death, Azar placed her own soul into the rings, waiting for the day Trigon would return. When he corrupted Raven, he emptied her body of its soul, which proceeded to flow into the rings alongside the souls of all of Azarath’s people, who Trigon seemingly killed. When placed upon Raven’s physically deceased body, the rings make Raven a conduit for all the souls stored inside, massively empowering her, and allowing her to obliterate Trigon, body and soul. After this, Raven disappeared in a flash of light, and the rings dropped to the ground.- Raven feels Azar guiding her through the rings, stated again here
- The rings act as a nexus to her soul, a link that can be used
- The rings protect the Titans from a wave of fire from Trigon’s demons in Azarath, and teleport them back to Earth
- The rings are placed upon Raven’s dead, soulless body, with it stated that no soul-filled life could survive the process. They proceed to channel the stored spirits of Raven, Azarath, and Azar through her body and obliterate Trigon as “mental energy”, body and soul, before dropping to the ground
[Dark Raven] - Feats performed by Raven while she’s corrupted by Trigon’s power or something similar. During the 90s, after Raven's body was destroyed, her Soul-Self was corrupted by Trigon directly and began acting on its own. During this period, she took on Dark Raven as her supervillain moniker.
[Golden Raven] - Feats performed by Raven’s purified soul after Dark Raven was destroyed, acting on its own. It’s unclear if she’s any stronger in this state, but I’m marking the distinction to be sure
[Trigon] - Feats performed by Raven’s father
[Trigon + Souls of Azarath] - Feats performed during the period in the 80s where Trigon’s essence merged with the souls of Azarath’s denizens
[Arella] - Feats performed by Raven’s mother
[Phantasm] - Feats performed by the second Phantasm, comprising the souls of 1000 of Azarath’s denizens, Arella, and Danny Chase
[Siblings] - Feats performed by one of Raven’s many, many siblings, that can reasonably be applied to her
If you’re wondering about ‘White Raven’ and why it’s not mentioned, that ‘form’ is sort of a misconception stemming from the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon and word of mouth. In reality, Raven’s white robes are purely ceremonial, and don’t indicate any shift in power. She first donned them after being brainwashed by Brother Blood during New Teen Titans Volume 2, and kept wearing them for the rest of the run until her apparent death in issue 84. While her wearing them did coincide with an amp from Brother Blood, this amp was unrelated, and just enhanced her physicality and empathic powers. It wasn’t some cataclysmic shift in strength, and it’s entirely unrelated to Trigon. Later on, Raven wears the white robes after again being brainwashed by Brother Blood, but she immediately switches back to her normal robes after being freed from his control. In either case, the white robes don’t represent any actual power boost for Raven, are tied to Brother Blood and not Trigon, and aren’t an actual form she can access. Raven does appear white and glowing upon absorbing the souls of Azarath, but this is completely unrelated to the white robes mentioned above, and isn’t a ‘form’ in the traditional sense.
[Dark Raven] - Feats performed by Raven while she’s corrupted by Trigon’s power or something similar. During the 90s, after Raven's body was destroyed, her Soul-Self was corrupted by Trigon directly and began acting on its own. During this period, she took on Dark Raven as her supervillain moniker.
[Golden Raven] - Feats performed by Raven’s purified soul after Dark Raven was destroyed, acting on its own. It’s unclear if she’s any stronger in this state, but I’m marking the distinction to be sure
[Trigon] - Feats performed by Raven’s father
[Trigon + Souls of Azarath] - Feats performed during the period in the 80s where Trigon’s essence merged with the souls of Azarath’s denizens
[Arella] - Feats performed by Raven’s mother
[Phantasm] - Feats performed by the second Phantasm, comprising the souls of 1000 of Azarath’s denizens, Arella, and Danny Chase
[Siblings] - Feats performed by one of Raven’s many, many siblings, that can reasonably be applied to her
If you’re wondering about ‘White Raven’ and why it’s not mentioned, that ‘form’ is sort of a misconception stemming from the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon and word of mouth. In reality, Raven’s white robes are purely ceremonial, and don’t indicate any shift in power. She first donned them after being brainwashed by Brother Blood during New Teen Titans Volume 2, and kept wearing them for the rest of the run until her apparent death in issue 84. While her wearing them did coincide with an amp from Brother Blood, this amp was unrelated, and just enhanced her physicality and empathic powers. It wasn’t some cataclysmic shift in strength, and it’s entirely unrelated to Trigon. Later on, Raven wears the white robes after again being brainwashed by Brother Blood, but she immediately switches back to her normal robes after being freed from his control. In either case, the white robes don’t represent any actual power boost for Raven, are tied to Brother Blood and not Trigon, and aren’t an actual form she can access. Raven does appear white and glowing upon absorbing the souls of Azarath, but this is completely unrelated to the white robes mentioned above, and isn’t a ‘form’ in the traditional sense.
Trigon Heritage
As the daughter of the demon lord Trigon, Raven is constantly fighting an internal battle against the corruption of her father, to the point where at first she couldn’t express any form of emotion without risk of Trigon overtaking her. When she succumbs to it, she becomes much more violent and aggressive, and gains new powers. The following is a sort of timeline of her instances of falling to corruption and her encounters with Trigon.- In their first encounter, Trigon corrupts Raven with a beam, instilling her with “all [his] essence”. It’s implied this gives her new power
- Overwhelming suffering causes Raven to feel Trigon’s evil overtaking her soul, overcoming her protective barriers. In space, the god Auron senses an evil greater than X’Hal in her, before she manages to regain control
- Trigon’s influence is suggested to be throwing off her empathic powers, preventing her from expelling the pain she absorbs. She’s forced to meditate to control it
- If she fails to reign in her emotions, Trigon may break free
- The image of her friends being defeated causes her to lose control and succumb to Trigon, who “lives in her Soul-Self”. She releases a shockwave which knocks back the Brotherhood of Evil and punches away Donna Troy before regaining control
- Is afraid to use her powers like teleporting, as she feels Trigon’s power growing within her
- Her powers are linked to Trigon, and she feels herself losing control of her powers and resisting the calls of Trigon
- Raven feels Trigon’s influence waning, as if his attention is directed elsewhere, and so feels more comfortable using her powers
- Raven’s empathic powers do not function correctly as Trigon’s influence takes hold. It’s stated in a later comic that times Trigon’s evil overwhelms her, and her empathic powers become useless
- While light-years from Earth, Trigon mentally attacks Raven and possesses her
- Becomes overtaken by Trigon and starts killing soldiers before regaining control, with Trigon’s influence later passing
- Raven is so terrified of the evil growing inside her that she hides away in Azarath, afraid of the dark feelings in her thoughts
- Trigon influences her to make her begin torturing some soldiers with her powers, which she mentions are enhanced by his energy
- As Trigon’s influence takes hold, the shape of Raven’s face changes over time
- After all that, Raven ends up fully succumbing to Trigon, empowering her and giving her a new demonic look, with Trigon himself being more powerful now due to absorbing the power of over 100 billion souls. It’s stated Trigon has “rent” her soul from her body, turning her into a soulless shell, and that in actuality her soul was placed inside the rings of Azar while Trigon’s evil filled her body.
- After being purified and destroying Trigon, she disappeared, and was dropped from 100 feet in the air above Alabama without her memories. Not even the Monitor could find Raven at this time, and when she shows up again, she’s been cleansed of Trigon’s evil. She can express actual emotions now without risk, though she still worries
- Later, Raven’s demon heritage was awakened through an unrelated virus, which made her a mad servant of an order of beastmen, suggesting Raven can use her demonic powers in situations without Trigon directly influencing her
- Despite the people of Azarath merging their souls and destroying Trigon’s physical form, his energy, and the people of Azarath’s, could not be destroyed, and so their essences merged and the souls of Azarath became one with Trigon. As they were energy without form, they needed a physical body before they dissipated from existence forever. They learned of Jericho’s essence when he entered Raven, and his power to possess others conditioned his body to accept the souls of Azarath, laying dormant inside him to regain strength before possessing him. His human body is not strong enough to survive the contained energies for long, and so they seek a more powerful host, Superman.
- Upon leaving Jericho’s body, the souls drain him of his strength, disintegrating him and possessing the Titans. Raven is full on Trigon mode due to the possession, and the corrupted spirits say that Raven’s physical form is too weak and will die from the power. Turns out Azar knew that Trigon’s blood could possess Raven/the souls of Azarath. Arella says that when Azar died, she passed on her soul to Arella in case she ever needed to save the world, and Azar fights the possessed Raven
- Trigon’s darkness merging with Azarath has made something even stronger, and the Soul-Self blasts Azar’s soul, shattering it and returning what remains to Arella’s body
- Danny Chase uses his powers to focus Arella’’s energies back to a transference machine, in order to cleanse the Azarathean souls of Trigon’s evil and destroy him forever. The souls of Azarath and Raven are cleansed, and Azar guides them beyond existence on a new journey as the area collapses. A specific group of 1000 souls have merged together as one, and cannot follow or join the rest, instead possessing the Phantasm’s cloak (note that two profiles say Raven herself aided in the destruction of the spirits of Azarath, which doesn’t really make sense)
- Raven later returns, growing in “power and madness”. Turns out while her body died, her soul still lived, without her body to control the evil within her soul. Her Soul-Self now acts on its own, harboring the souls of 100 of Trigon’s dead children. She even returns to Azarath, now lifeless and destroys the remains of Phantasm and Raven, whose flesh was destroyed in the fall of Azarath (though Phantasm somehow survives the attack). The part of Raven’s evil soul that lived is now what acts
- Even as Trigon’s 100 children’s bodies were slain by their mothers and enemies, their souls lived
- Phantasm frees the souls of Azarath, which envelop Raven and “tear her apart”. Arella’s soul offers Raven salvation, but she refuses, and so the souls cause a massive explosion which destroys the entire building, killing Phantasm and all its souls for good. Raven is revealed to be alive and still evil later
- It’s explained later that when Raven was destroyed by Arella and Danny Chase, her Soul-Self lived, and a Trigon seed somehow found and entered her at that moment, giving her “life anew”. Without a physical mind and body to control the dark forces within her, she was possessed by them, and became Dark Raven. Unknown to Raven at the time, when she attempted to implant a seed in Starfire, she actually implanted the good Raven that still existed inside of her, who directed Starfire to Tamaran in order to get as far away from Dark Raven as possible and protect herself from being corrupted, which is why Starfire can use Raven’s soul self. Dark Raven was still alive after Arella defeated her, but needed time to recover. She sent her Soul Self to find Starfire allllll the way on Tamaran, and then realized part of her soul was alive in her
- Trigon’s soul was contained by the Souls of Azarath, but when they were destroyed, he was freed. When Trigon’s body died, he sent his genetic material into his seeds, murdering the “still-living” souls of his children. The seeds are Trigon himself, and he manipulated Raven into implanting them within her. When Raven gives birth to the new Trigon, she’ll die
- Trigon begins manifesting out of Raven. Even if Dark Raven didn’t know it, the empath good Raven sensed that Trigon hadn’t been destroyed and understood his plan to resurrect, so she fooled Dark Raven into bringing the Titans together to destroy Trigon once and for all. The Titans blast the emerging Trigon and destroy his soul once more
- After this, Raven’s flesh is gone, but her soul is now freed and golden, completely cleansed of Trigon’s influence. She decides to stick around on New Tamaran. She’s now a disembodied spirit, and helps out the Titans when they really need it
- Raven’s body was vaporized, freeing her true uncorrupted golden soul-self. Raven’s soul disappeared, and Cyborg speculated that Raven had “transcended this plane”. Raven is summoned back to earth by Brother Blood and given a new, younger physical form out of blood by a ritual, confirmed again later. Even now, some of Trigon still exists within Raven, possibly never leaving her as long she’s bound to the Earth
- Sometime during Infinite Crisis, the influx of wild magic plays havoc with Raven’s powers, leaving her unable to control them. She tried to soothe Superboy’s pains and instead set the bedspread on fire, for example
- After defeating Brother Blood and regaining control, she thinks she must “relearn” the full-extent of her abilities, suggesting she’s fluctuated in power. Later, as she recounts her backstory again, she wonders if her current young body is too weak to contain and control her power
- Later on, Raven senses that Trigon has somehow survived his destruction and returned. It’s revealed Trigon thinned the ranks of his army and spread out his minions, but found himself attacked and defeated at all fronts by a thousand armies, leaving him at only at a tenth of his true power. In another recounting of Arella’s backstory, it’s said Trigon had other living children with other women, and now seeks to empower them to help him conquer the world
- Trigon’s sons end up betraying him and instead steal his power, making him so weak he won’t be able to open another portal for centuries. Raven, who currently has the body of a 16 year old, is corrupted again by the presence of her family, and she goes full demon mode.
- Raven represents the sin of Pride, the original sin from which all others spawn. That makes her a sort of big sister, and so she shocks all of her brothers at once and takes them all out. Raven takes a moment to acclimate to her “true form” and access all its variable , and wishes to share the power of sin with all of the Titans and rule the world alongside them, her true family. Through the Ramat stone, Raven’s good self attacks her evil self, and defeats her, seemingly merging with her as she returns the Titans home. Even after that, Raven still believes there’s a risk of her becoming a demon again if the circumstances arise, and so gives the Titans contingencies to stop her just in case
- Raven’s brothers are still out there, and later Envy shows up and tries tricking Raven into losing control and becoming a demon. It doesn’t work, and Raven defeats him
- A heavy darkness weighs on Raven in an alternate realm, and she wonders if it’s because the demon realm is flaring up her Trigon blood
- Claims her powers have become “keener” since she first joined the Titans
- In the New 52, Trigon rules a dozen dark kingdoms, and bore children with women until he had his daughter, Raven, who he planned to use to recreate the seven under realms in her image. He let her mother live, and she awayed Raven to the dimension of Azarath, where they taught her peace. She studied extensively under them until fleeing to Earth and Trigon kidnapped her again with the aid of the Phantom Stranger. While she may have been gone for only weeks on Earth, it was longer in Trigon’s kingdoms. She feeds her bloodlust on souls, but Trigon can tell she’s faking it, and she stalks the Titans from her realm in search of companionship, eventually joining with them
- It’s said that after the Phantom Stranger betrayed Raven, she began transforming and gaining more and more power
- Trigon still commands Raven as she joins the Titans, intentionally planting her within the team to destroy them from the inside
- After being hurled through time, Raven is unable to contact her father, and wonders if it’s because something happened to him. She’s confused, as evil is supposed to be eternal. Later, Raven is surprised at being hurt, saying she’s the daughter of Trigon, and realizes Trigon must be gone, causing her to celebrate
- Even freed from Trigon, Raven still feels an urge to kill people. Bunker reveals the team always knew she was a double agent, and she’s accepted by the Titans. It’s later revealed that this entire time, Raven was never really corrupted, she was hiding behind it to spy on Trigon and stop him
- Raven getting angry is known to release Trigon from his prisoner dimension. Raven confronts her monstrous Soul-Self inside her own mind, which is trying to destroy her. She manages to overcome her father’s influence in her Soul-Self and regain control
- Gets so angry she ends up becoming her demonic dark self, before calming down
- Raven gets angry and goes demon mode, allowing her to pull Mary-Beth away from the tendrils of an energy sphere. She realizes embracing her dark soul means freeing Trigon, and so calms down
- Azure and Ash, two girls hunting Raven, are the daughters of humans experimented on to be Trigon’s brides. Some scientists plan to use Raven’s DNA, the only one of Trigon’s children not born a monster, to breed an army of children for him and use it to rule a multiverse. Trigon is summoned to Earth by the scientists, but is defeated when Raven absorbs the souls of her sisters and seals him away. This is, as of the time of writing, her last encounter with Trigon in-canon
- Raven takes her team to Azarath, which looks remarkably intact and populated. She implies Azar is still alive currently
- Discovers Violet, one of her sisters, is dead. Understandably, she starts going demon mode. Raven’s team restrains her before she can kill and calms her back to normal
- In the dubiously canon Titans: Burning Rage, Raven describes how she’s tempted to unleash her full power, but worries doing so will release her uncontrollable darker self, implying she’s constantly holding back
Azarath is the mystical interdimensional realm Raven was born and raised in. Led by the living goddess Azar, its denizens are the descendants of those who left Earth and embraced a life of pacifism. Both Raven and Arella were taught by the Priests of Azarath, and learned of their empathic ways. It’s suggested that the mystic energies of Azarath naturally empower empaths, having strengthened both Raven and Phantasm. While Azarath has been destroyed a few times, and in the New 52 was taken over by Trigon, it has last been depicted as being populated and inhabited by its priests as normal. Raven can call upon these Priests and their power if she’s struggling to cleanse someone of evil.- Azarath lies many dimension away from Earth
- The stairway of Azarath is connected to many different dimensions, including Trigon's, and the sorcerers on Azarath used their dimensional travel to transport the Temple of Azarath between dimensions
- Azarath exists between all dimensions
- Arella enters Azarath, and describes it as being not another universe, but another dimension
- Described as “flickering through time, yet not contained by it”
- Called a “timeless void”
- The mystic energies of Azarath empower Raven
- Phantasm’s powers are strongest in Azarath
- Raven goes to Azarath, where the Priests of Azarath can share their power with her
- Raven can summon and contact the Priests of Azarath in the dimension, and vice-versa
- Suggests that Brain and Monsieur Mallah will go mad if they stay too long in Azarath
Nexus of All Dimensions
The mysterious Nexus of All Dimensions is Raven’s domain, and where she is at her most powerful. Its nature is very poorly explained, and it hasn’t shown up in the comics for decades, but it’s stated to be linked to the emotions of all who live. Raven can use it to sort through the emotions of all, and locate specific people by calling upon Azar. The Nexus is linked to other dimensions, as the name would imply, and contains a “universe of lost souls”, which Raven has manipulated to return back to Earth. She can teleport herself and others to it at will.- Raven is at her most powerful in the Nexus
- Described as Raven’s domain
- Stated to be a different dimension from Earth
- When Raven falls through it, it’s described as falling through “dimensional waves”, containing a universe of lost souls
- Allows her to summon emotions from all who live. She uses this to single out and locate a specific man, sensing his emotions and location
Enhanced Physicality
After being empowered by Brother Blood, Raven boasts superhuman strength that rivals even Donna Troy. It’s suggested that she retained this amp permanently.Empath Powers
Raven was born an empath, capable of sensing and controlling the emotions of others. Under the training of the goddess Azar and the Priests of Azarath, Raven gained a mastery of emotions, capable of absorbing and manipulating them at her will for a variety of effects.Sensing
Raven most commonly applies her empathic abilities in the form of sensing. Raven passively detects and picks up on the emotions of others, allowing her to tell where someone is or what they are feeling. The more intense the emotion, the more intensity she feels, and strong negative emotions can overwhelm her and cause her to collapse. She’s detected emotions and feelings from across interstellar distances, and even from different dimensions. This allows her to detect beings who are invisible or who aren’t physically there, or the true intent of anyone she sees.Feelings
- Senses her friends are unconscious from under two miles away
- Senses something is “amiss” and teleports to Azarath for answers
- Senses Wally’s “inflamed” emotions
- Senses overwhelming fear from a crowd
- Can tell Doctor Light is telling the truth
- Senses immense pain in another dimension, knocking her out
- Senses evil in Trigon
- Senses evil in Demonia, and fears she’ll betray them
- Feels the fright of a crowd, their fears hurting her
- Feels that Zeus lives by sensing his soul
- Senses Wally’s pain on Earth (note that last we saw her, she was in Azarath)
- Senses the pain Thunder and Lightning are feeling
- Senses the Outsiders are not evil
- Senses evil in some goons and throughout the complex
- Senses a child is in pain from a large distance away, teleporting there
- Raven is drawn to a man’s pain like a magnet
- Senses the pain caused by drugs, which overwhelms her and forces her to leave, real subtle messaging
- From between dimensions, senses a conflict and the sapience of a ship on Earth, though the feelings confuse her
- Uses her empathic powers to hear Scanner’s words and feel its pain, which causes her to break contact for a moment
- Senses almost overwhelming hatred in Terra and an inner evil
- Senses concern in Jericho
- While on Azarath, senses pain and death on Earth
- Senses danger from far away
- Teleports to a child after sensing his suffering
- Suggests she can feel an “aura of great evil” at crime scenes
- Can feel the emotions of the Titans even while dazed
- Senses Nightwing’s emotions
- Feels the joy of a crowd, and the agony of Adam, allowing her to tell he cannot control himself
- Senses Nightwing’s location through his pain
- Picks up emanations of rage-filled thoughts
- Feels the emotions of a crowd, and with only a touch can see a life-time of horrors in a person
- Can tell Danny Chase is telling the truth
- Senses growing fear and pain while meditating, and meditates to manage her own emotions
- Senses the emotions of all who live in the Nexus of All Dimensions, and is overwhelmed by it, before managing to focus in on one
- Raven senses and sees the events that occurred at the scene of a battle after it’s finished, and the current location of the Titans
- By reading emotions, is capable of solving a mystery before Nightwing can
- Senses danger, and subsequently senses when the danger ends
- Senses the emotions of a sentient ship
- Senses people are dying
- Can sense how close some people are to exploding and dying
- Senses the darkness of the Children of the Cult, which draws her to them
- Unable to sense danger from the Wildebeest, due to it being a brainwashed Cyborg, a friend
- Senses Victor's feelings even as he's unconscious
- Senses the emotions in the voice over the computer
- Senses evil nearby, but is caught off guard by a beastman
- Senses the ripples through the mystic dimension caused by Blaze’s defeat. She says she thought only Trigon could cast such a ripple, but can sense it is not him
- Senses the other Titans’ surprise
- Senses someone fighting inside a building, and the sense of them dying makes her reel back
- Can sense sickness and read illnesses
- While using Raven’s empathic powers, Starfire can sense Dark Raven’s feelings
- Senses Dark Angel’s soul is darker than any she’s ever seen
- Uses the pain she senses from her friends to locate them, and senses the corruption in Jericho’s soul
- Reads into Cassie’s heart and senses her desires
- Raven senses the pain and suffering on Earth while well away from it in space
- Senses how the masses are asleep
- Even while he hides his emotions, Raven can sense Robin’s pain and true turmoil
- Senses the presence of her resurrected old friends
- Feels Young Frankenstein’s pain, causing her to scream
- Senses Black Adam’s rage
- Senses Kid Devil’s soul is in jeopardy
- Senses that the emotions of her fellow students are being altered
- Senses a school bellon Earth while in Azarath
- Senses the Medusa Mask’s use
- Raven senses the same emotions she first felt when she first met Cyborg, though there’s too much emotion clouding the area, so Raven can’t tell if it’s him precisely
- Can sense the doubts consuming Supergirl
- The Priests of Azarath sense Raven’s summons, and sense Supergirl is from Krypton, alongside the turmoil within her. Raven and the Priests later sense hate and death on Earth from Azarath
- Senses Supergirl is lying
- Senses the emotions of the Titans
- Can sense men who have previously been at a crime scene
- Senses the emotions of the general public and all the Titans
- Raven senses a mix of emotions and understands depression
- Senses the strength in Solstice’s spirit. For Raven, the bright hopeful emotions are dangerous
- The fear and anxiety the other Titans feel about losing Cassie gnaws away at Raven
- Senses Bart Allen’s rage
- Senses people nearby are dying
- Raven can tell Booster Gold is telling the truth, and that Rip Hunter is fearful
- Senses a dormant evil beneath Trigon in Bar Torr’s soul
- Raven senses something is up with Superboy, and that it’s actually someone else
- Senses innocence with Schiz, and, as a telepath, calls her easy to manipulate for those with greater power
- Raven scans the area, and senses a sentience reaching out in fear
- Senses no life in Detritus
- Begins getting overwhelmed by the thoughts of so many people around her, and senses something terrible is about to happen in a nearby location
- Senses a gathering of dark thoughts focused in a single location, and a single command constantly echoing through it. She senses the location of the darkness
- Senses the fear and anger and sadness in Pyg’s victims, and is nearly overwhelmed by it
- Senses souls screaming in agony, before disappearing into the sphere, where she is no longer able to sense them
- Senses Damian’s inner thoughts
- Raven can perform a polygraph test, and can tell if Lucia is lying or telling the truth
- Despite the simple thoughts of her sisters, Raven can sense the deeper meaning behind each of their “infinite” emotions
- Gets an empathic read of human fear, detecting survivors nearby
- Senses Mother Blood’s thoughts
- Raven, alongside Miss Martian, senses the dark emotions and amplified selfishness of everybody across the planet and beyond
- Raven feels a sudden pain in her head and sees the image of Trigon, which is revealed to actually be a Dark Multiverse counterpart of Raven
- Can sense sentience in beings
- Considered a greater telepath than Schiz. For reference, Schiz could feel the emotions of billions of souls even upon being born with her power
- [Dark Raven] Senses the feeling of death
- [Dark Raven] The souls of Azarath sense Azar’s power in Arella
- [Dark Raven] The Azarathean souls, now emerging as a Soul-Self, felt Arella’s power even through dimensions
- [Golden Raven] Senses Wally has been captured by a machine
- [Golden Raven] Senses the other Titans have been placed in illusions
- [Golden Raven] Senses the pain in Victor’s soul
- [Golden Raven] Senses Zauriel’s feelings without outright reading his mind
- [Golden Raven] Senses Donna’s distress, which overwhelms Raven
- [Trigon] Senses a build-up of Azar’s power
- [Phantasm] Donna’s screams caused the incorporeal souls to be summoned, and when they fix her pain, they’ll again be no more. The sheer pain Donna feels causes them to disappear
- [Phantasm] Senses the truth is being told
- [Phantasm] Is nearly overwhelmed by the pain it senses. It says that feeding on pain is what gives it strength
- Detects Starfire’s “psychic waves”
- Senses Trigon’s coming through her powers, and assembles the Titans through her empathic senses
- Senses an incoming trap before it is sprung
- Senses the Titans are being observed
- Can sense Brainiac’s “soulless intellect” even after his body is destroyed
- Her senses are limited by the exterior of a titan, and she can only sense things clearly upon entering it, allowing her to sense that it’s composed of millions of organisms
- Implies she can detect lingering sensations at a crime scene. Later, she notes a lack of sensations at a location, and so can tell people are long gone from it. Being able to sense emanations at a crime scene is normal and reliable for her
- Suggests she can sense people’s locations even while in her own Soul-Self
- Raven can send out "soul searches" to find people's locations. She says that she cannot sense the presence of the Titans due to lacking the power (though it’s unclear if that's due to her being weakened or not). Raven notes that she cannot sense her friends as her "power is not that great"
- Senses the location of a bomb, and senses that another one has exploded. The cries of thousands dying hurts Raven
- Raven can sense the presence of something, but the tunnels diffuse its direction. She senses its pain
- Raven can sense the emanations of her friends to know how long ago they left an area. She lacks the energy to check all their homes, but manages to lock in on their feelings of fear and anxiety and teleport to them
- Senses Danny's familiar "mind-scent", though she’s unable to get a clear impression beyond just sensing a friend before being knocked out
- The empath good side of Raven senses that Trigon hasn’t been destroyed and understands his plan to resurrect
- Raven can sense the presence and emotions (or lack there-of) of millions of people from across the bay
- Senses the rocks around her are alive
- Can tell someone is invading her dreams
- Raven can sense that Trigon has returned
- Senses a person being sacrificed from three states away
- Raven detects a robot among a crowd by sensing a “void” in the cacophony of souls
- Raven senses Trigon has taken over the Earth
- Senses that someone is hidden between dimensions
- Skeets takes 1983-era Starfire out of time. Raven no longer senses her on this plane, but she senses that Skeets’s intentions are pure
- Senses a soul beneath the Wildebeest’s circuitry
- Senses Bar Torr and Solstice’s locations
- Raven easily senses the presence of an invisible enemy
- Raven scans for Manchester Black’s current location, noting that his personality stands out
- Senses Robin and Chimera deep underground
- Can sense the heroes on Earth awakening from stasis while on an alien planet
- While blinded, relies on her other senses to find Azure
- Senses Baron Winters observing her, which he thinks should be impossible
- By listening to her inner voice, detects a surprise attack
- Meditates and senses the presence of all around her and those chasing her, including Winters (who’s still spying on her)
- Uses Lady Vic’s arrow to magically sense her location
- Tracks down the Ghost of Christmas Past
- [Trigon] Trigon can sense Raven’s presence in Stonehenge
- [Trigon] Senses Wintersgate
- [Arella] Senses Raven's presence
- [Arella] Can sense Raven’s presence
- [Arella] Senses Trigon coming to Earth
- [Phantasm] Senses that Trigon’s seed has returned to Earth
- Can tell Francis Kane is a nexus from this reality to something else
- Can sense viruses taking hold in people
- Can sense power building in Thunder
- Seemingly senses if there’s permanent damage to Cyborg’s organic parts
- Senses Cassie’s broken ribs, but also senses how she’ll heal
- Can sense how the dead threaten to rise, and that the barrier between life and death and all souls risks being destroyed completely
- Senses danger in Hell’s Kitchen from Titans Tower. She seems to sense how long it will take for a gas line to rupture, where, and how many people will be killed
- Senses a disturbance in the astral plane as Superboy approaches due to the presence of the Phantom Stranger
- Senses a portal is from “another time”, and senses the urgency of the people creating it
- Senses the energy of a magic rod is fading away, and that the rod has almost lost power
- Senses a girl sending out a psychic scan
- Senses Starro’s psychic scream he unleashed upon death
- Raven can sense metamorphic energy fading and empathic disruption. Robin indicates the latter is measured in joules, however that works
- Raven could sense a surge of energy from thousands of miles away
- Senses that the dark energy of a mountain is not from this world
- Raven senses a planet turning to stone from across the universe, which is also sensed by Constantine and Shazam
- [Dark Raven] The leaking magic of the Starheart is sensed by Dark Raven as it ripples throughout the universe, even to Apokolips and the Phantom Stranger
- [Golden Raven] Senses the gender of Starfire’s unborn child
- [Golden Raven] Guides Wonder Woman to the location of Darkseid from a great distance away
- [Trigon] Essence’s power is sensed across all of reality by the likes of John Constantine. Trigon senses it from the Underrealm of the Six Kingdoms of Trigon
- [Phantasm] Phantasm senses a bond, a blood-related link, between Damage and two villains, but it describes the images as complex and confusing
Emotion Manipulation
Raven is a master of manipulating the emotions of others, absorbing them or changing how they feel. This can be used to drain someone of their feelings, or, more potently, for outright brainwashing. While Raven has always had this power to some extent, she became capable of altering emotions freely after receiving a permanent power boost from Brother Blood. Of note is that Raven has said that the emotions of the young are nearer to the surface, making them easier to tap into, and she’s claimed she doesn't require a person to be solid to use her powers, they just have to have thoughts to be reached and a soul for her to enter.Mind Manipulation
- Makes Wally West fall in love with her
- States she can play off emotions to create images within people’s minds
- Calms an angry Cyborg
- Controls Plasmus and makes him stop fighting her
- Alleviates feelings of desperation
- Drains a kid’s emotions, but in the process absorbs the effects of the drugs he’s under
- While empowered and influenced by Trigon, inflicts some soldiers with the pain she has absorbed, and threatens to make them feel “the collective fears of mankind”
- Helps calm down Arella and ease Nightwing’s anger
- Manipulates the emotions of a crowd to resurrect Brother Blood
- After being empowered by Brother Blood, can manipulate the emotions of all the Titans, essentially taking control of their bodies and puppeteering them into hurting themselves
- Fills Cyborg with despair
- Fills Starfire and Wally West with mindless anger, making them attack each other
- Makes hunters feel the fear of the animals they hunted
- With Brother Blood’s gift, she controls the emotions of a crowd to prevent them from panicking, albeit with strain
- After being permanently amped by Brother Blood, Raven can now project her emotions onto others, projecting the sensation of trust onto a group
- Brings peace into the minds of some hybrids, calming and freeing them from the control of Mento
- Mentally links with the Titans to empower her and invade Mento’s mind, freeing him from the helmet’s control (though note she was affecting him on her own too)
- Absorbs the emotions of a happy crowd for fun
- Offers to dispel Cyborg’s inner darkness, stating she can now control emotions as well as physical pain. She laters offers to control the emotions of the public and force them to like the Titans
- Almost imprints joy onto a Wildebeest, though she’s disrupted before she can do so
- Controls Nightwing’s emotions to make him love her, doing so unconsciously
- Forces a guard to feel joy and pleasure
- Removes the (emotional) pain from a guard
- Makes a group feel joy
- Forces some guards to tell her the truth
- Purges guards of the emotions that drive them, turning them into empty vessels, and makes others stop fighting her outright
- Soothes the anger of two guards
- Brings emotional blessings to a tribe
- Implies she could easily incapacite some supervillains with her powers
- Raven uses the Titans' shared dreams to forge a mental link inside each, allowing her to see the one manipulating their dreams, who resists her ability and knocks her out from the strain
- Frees the Titans from Muse's imposed nightmares
- Psychically affects Beast Boy
- Manipulated Dick Grayson into forming the Titans
- Calms the thoughts of two of the pilots of a ship, and uses their thoughts to guide her as she lands the ship
- Every bird in a city goes haywire due to Raven’s magic
- Raven’s presence returns Gar’s mental state back to normal
- Feeds on Beast Boy’s self-consciousness to break free of mind control
- After being placed in her new body, Raven passively consumes heightened emotions around her, which she tries to control
- An adult Raven from a future timeline literally consumes the free will and hope of anybody who wants to rebel against her control
- Raven can’t stop passively feeding on emotions as the Titans sleep, claiming that sometimes their dreams become hers
- Raven enters Donna’s mind and shows her the destruction she’s caused, helping her break free of her madness later
- Soothes Match and brings Jericho, who was possessing him, back into control
- Begins suddenly absorbing the emotions around her, causing her pain
- Senses how the emotions around her are agitated, and tries absorbing them, which makes her keel over
- Raven draws the emotions of others into herself, though due to the Medusa Mask there are too many for her to control currently
- Raven can feel her own fear entering Bret, and eases his emotional pain
- Feels the pain of her friends going away as she holds their hands, and calms her own emotions
- Raven takes Laura to Azarath, where the Priests of Azarath can share their power with Raven. The Priests then restrain Laura and calm her down
- Raven’s Soul-Self sensed the emotional attacks Laura was making on her friends, and instinctively absorbed her hate, causing Raven to feel pain throughout this entire mini-run without her knowing
- Raven is implied to telepathically control a monster and uses it to take her back to Titans Tower
- Takes away Nightwing’s emotional pain
- Senses turmoil in Wally West and soothes him
- Instills hope in Nightwing
- Calms Beast Boy’s anger
- Absorbs the pain of dozens of people
- Mind controls Beast Boy into her servant
- Calms Jon with her powers
- Raven’s jamming to a band accidentally causes the crowd to start going crazy due to her empathic powers, and it takes her flying to the air and casting some weird magic to stop it and calm them all down
- Eases a victim’s pain and suffering, turning them from a beast boy-style monster back to a human. The other victims are too far gone for her to reverse the transformation
- She has to prevent her own emotions from leaking out to others in public. Wonder Girl tells her that she shouldn’t use her powers to “blow up people’s heads”
- Uses her empathic powers to make her friends like her instantly
- Brainwashes a guard. As an empath, she devours the emotions of others
- Absorbs N52 Wally’s fear
- Mind controls a bunch of doctors to not be freaked out by Violet’s face and to help her
- Raven shared Beast Boy’s pain with a metahuman, borrowing his feelings and giving them to the metahuman to calm him down and make him feel that he’s not alone
- She claims that with her emotion manipulation, she could make an entire congregation love her and worship her if she wanted
- Sneaks up on some guards and wipes their minds to make them think green cats are normal
- [Dark Raven] While trapping the Titans in nightmares, she controls their emotions
- [Dark Raven] Induces lust in the future Nightwing and seduces a woman
- [Dark Raven] Corrupts the future Nightwing into her servant, Deathwing
- [Dark Raven] Forces Starfire to love her
- [Dark Raven] Raven attempts to control Starfire through a Trigon seed and make her the sire of a demon, but she manages to overcome it
- [Dark Raven] Beast Boy is brainwashed and made a slave by Raven (though note even when controlled by Raven, Beast Boy clearly has a somewhat independent conscience and later turns against her)
- [Dark Raven] Makes all the people she’s kidnapped her servants
- [Dark Raven] Controls and corrupts Supergirl. Note that Supergirl’s soul is explicitly uncorrupted even as she’s controlled
- [Golden Raven] Attempted to soothe the distress in Cyborg’s soul, though had to abandon doing so
- [Trigon] With Trigon's power, Psimon psionically tampers with the minds of the Titans
- [Arella] Brainwashes a Wildebeest into helping her
- [Phantasm] After putting her to sleep, blocks Supergirl’s telepathic contact with Raven. Raven later takes back control of Supergirl, overpowering Phantasm’s soothing dreams
Sleep Manipulation
- Puts Dick Grayson to sleep in the middle of a conversation, seemingly controlling the length of time he sleeps
- Puts Antt to sleep
- Senses pain in Madison and puts her to sleep
- Puts Goliath, a big monster, to sleep
- Puts a guard to sleep and wipes his memories
- Puts the cat Merlin to sleep
- [Phantasm] Phantasm restrains and puts Supergirl to sleep
- Creates dreams that relax Nightwing
- Projects a nightmare into Nightwing as he sleeps
- By controlling her emotions, simply reaches into her mind and leaves an induced nightmare
- Through Azar’s teachings, makes herself unconscious to bear the pain she feels
- Controls her own emotions, making herself feel calm to counter Phobia’s fear-powers, and claims she can control all emotions now
As an empath, Raven can telepathically affect others, ranging from simple long-range communication to outright reading minds. She can also wipe and replace memories, up to replacing an entire city’s worth of people’s memories of an event.Communication
- Empathically plants information inside the Titans' heads
- Speaks to Nightwing inside his head
- Projects an image of a far-away danger into the minds of the Titans
- Raven enters Nightwing's mind and communicates with him as the Gargoyle makes him experience his past memories in a dream, though she says she can only communicate in a limited fashion and cannot remain long, and is unable to hold off the Gargoyle’s mental assaults forever
- Links her mind with Nightwing as he was asleep and mentally in Limbo, in order to blunt the Gargoyle's mental assaults
- Communicates with Donna over a long distance
- Senses Tim’s inner thoughts
- Raven taps into a “cyberempathic flow” on the Travel-Sphere to listen to what it's saying
- Speaks to Wally West telepathically
- Raven speaks to Supergirl as the latter is meditating and fighting off her inner demons
- Shares her mind with the Shadow Thief, scaring him and knocking him out (note that this comic may or may not be a dream, the ending is unclear)
- Telepathically communicates with Jon
- Raven summons the Titans by projecting an image of herself to their current locations and speaking to them. She also implants the knowledge of her location in their heads
- Tim reaches out to Raven by “feeling as hard as he can”, and they telepathically communicate with each other
- Raven hardens Lilith’s telepathic link with a psychic bond, and “astrally projects” into Jericho, who then transfers his conscience into Wally West, essentially giving him near-field communication for all the Titans. The fear Wally feels feeds back into Raven, his link to Earth, and causes her pain, the link beginning to fray
- Can telepathically reach out to Tempest
- Raven projects into Cyborg’s mindspace, though her connection won’t last long, and convinces him to reject the Mother Box
- Raven interfaces with the Ultima Thule as it travels through the Bleed, sensing its confusion and instinct. She’s unable to guide it with the proper frequencies through the multiverse
- Interfaces with Cyborg with a “tech-empathic link”
- Tim Drake lets Raven enter his mind and spread his thoughts to the others in the room
- Casts a “telepathic whammy” on the other Titans, showing them an image of the Titans Tower being rebuilt in order to distract them long enough to get away
- Tries maintaining a telepathic link between the Titans and Savior as he falls through the timestream, but it quickly shreds, giving them only a glimpse
- Engages in a mental conversation with Superboy, in a mindscape of moments throughout Blackfire and Superboy’s lives, before Superboy “spits” her out
- [Dark Raven] Raven is in telepathic contact with Beast Boy
- [Dark Raven] Communicates with Deathwing via telepathic summons
- [Dark Raven] Talks with Supergirl
- [Trigon] Assaults Bar Torr with mental images
- [Phantasm] Phantasm enters Starfire’s mind and merges with her thoughts, helping her fight off Raven’s control
Mind Reading
- Reads the minds of some mud-men. Despite their minds being blocked, she can sense fluctuations in their subconscious, and sees images in her mind of their pasts and who made them, allowing her to trace where they have been
- Raven eases pains and scans through the memories inside the minds of some brainwashed people, but is unable to pierce the mental coding as she takes in their feelings
- Reads Zorgan’s mind as he dies to learn his thoughts and the locations of the bombs
- Reads Nightwing’s thoughts
- Reads a man’s mind and memories, allowing her to tell he’s lying
- In her meditation room, Raven senses the thoughts of people from across the world, and senses Earth-2 Superman’s words
- Laura lets Raven read her. When Laura’s mind connected to Raven, her thoughts leaked into Raven’s mind
- Senses the words of the Titans on Earth from Azarath, and the presence of one of her minions
- Raven reads Jonathan Mitchell’s mind and acts as a medium for his thoughts. The strong emotions initially overwhelm her until she takes back control, but Raven starts crying as she speaks his thoughts and Supergirl pulls her away
- When in Trigon’s presence, Raven and her father have a sort of psychic link. In his weakened state, Raven could peer into his mind when he talked about his sires and see his other lovers
- Raven accesses the mind of Match, who’s possessed by Jericho. She’s sent back because of all the noise of two minds. She sensed one mind was in control while the other was frightened, and that the one in control was Jericho
- Uncovers Donna’s memories from within her, though she notes her memories are too painful for Donna and that the latter resists
- Can tell what Superboy is thinking
- Probes the mind of a soldier and uses him as a sort of medium. She acknowledges she’s tired though
- Raven reads Manchester Black’s mind, but finds that Superboy’s salvation is in a supermax prison, and is knocked out from the whiplash. Raven is clearly too worn out from everything that’s happened to do anything, but she manages to think back to what she saw in Black’s mind, and describes Despero, who she senses is too strong for them to deal with
- Raven can see the life stories of each person around her, and sees the history of an alien energy sphere by touching it
- Senses Damian is hiding something, and probes his mind
- Reads Nightwing’s mind
- Reads Miss Martian’s mind and can tell what her aims are
- Reads a nearly-dead soldier’s memories
- Raven uses contact with Azure to read her memories
- Probes the minds of Baron Winters and the cat Merlin, though the memories of the latter pain her
- Reads Arella’s mind and processes her life-story
- Reads Skye’s memories and discovers the history of the Arcanes
- Reads Prince Travesty’s mind, and detects simultaneous lies and truths, something she’s never seen before
- Raven sees the memories and life of a ghost, who died on prom night, and gives him a dance, allowing his soul to pass on
- [Dark Raven] Reads Donna’s thoughts
- [Arella] Reads Pantha’s mind
Memory Altering
- Wipes Wally West’s memories
- Raven could wipe Supergirl’s memories of her father, though she refuses to
- Projects the events that occurred to someone else into Deathstroke’s unconscious mind so he thinks they happened to him
- Wipes her own memories of doing something
- Wipes the memories of two scientists
- Raven implants false memories across the entire city of San Francisco to help the population move on
- Plants thoughts in her friend’s heads to suggest them to come over
- Wipes a person’s memory of her
- Makes her family believe they know where she is
- Wipes the memory of her family and friends, which accidentally wipes her family’s memories of her existence. Whoops! She later restores her family’s memories of her
- Instantly learns Portuguese by tapping a man's head
- Uses her empathic powers to parse a translation of an alien language, and gets the gist of what they’re saying
- Everyone has a psionic pulse that leaves a short-term residual trail, even if they die. Raven can follow it for a bit if she concentrates and it’s in the last day or so, but the trails can be stopped by a psychic like Psimon’s powers
One of Raven’s primary functions on her team is to act as a healer. Raven’s healing works by taking the pain of others into herself and letting it pass out of her body, expelling the pain completely. While she cannot heal those that are already dying, she’s capable of healing ailments like broken ribs or boiling blood. This requires feeling their pain herself, which has knocked Raven out in the past, but she’s also successfully managed to expel the pain of hundreds of people at once without collapsing. She can also cure ailments such as diseases or poisons, taking them into herself, and her healing has been described as her soul entering the body of the one she’s curingWhile in her earlier years it was stated she couldn’t, later on Raven is shown to be capable of healing her own injuries, likely due to her empowerment by Brother Blood. It’s likely her ability to heal herself has a similar potency to her healing of others, as they function on the same principle of expelling pain.
- When she first learned her powers, she healed a bird, and is told she can only heal the simplest of pains
- Draws the pain away from a child whose blood is boiling, absorbing it into herself before expelling it
- Attempts to heal some aliens, but the sheer pain she absorbs overwhelms her, and she cannot expel the pain faster than she absorbs it
- Heals Wally West’s frozen leg
- Takes Victor’s pains into herself to heal him
- Aids in Robin’s recovery
- Heals Monsieur Mallah, absorbing both his pain and the pain he inflicts on others
- Heals an injured woman
- While empowered by Trigon, uses her energy to fix a wheelchair-bound girl’s broken legs
- Heals an injured man, his cuts appearing on her face before passing, before later curing a man of his arthritis
- Cures people of their sickness, but is overwhelmed by the number of people trying to make her cure them. She ends up tied up to a post and being forced to absorb sicknesses for two weeks straight
- Takes away Nightwing’s pain while he’s being brainwashed
- Heals Arella from near death, with the pain later on making her struggle to stand
- Takes a child’s pain and banishes it
- States she can send pain out of her body
- Absorbs and expels the suffering of hundreds of people out of Adam. She claims the pain is overwhelming for her, but she successfully releases it without collapsing
- Cures herself of her own injuries
- Helps cure Nightwing of his injuries
- Removes Obsidian’s pain
- Absorbs a pregnant woman’s pain, including her unborn child’s. She needs a few minutes to expunge the pain she’s absorbed, which is abnormal for her, as she later realizes she actually took in Ultra-Humanite’s pain as well
- Heals Beast Boy, even reflecting his tears onto herself as she absorbs his pain
- Helps heal Donna, though says she can only take in some of her pains, and that her abilities aren’t exact or without limits. She mentions expelling the pains out of herself is a rush, and that she’s learned to accept it
- Heals Cyborg’s pain, though she can only heal part of it
- Raven drains Donna of a poison running through her system and absorbs it into herself, leaving herself poisoned. Donna is still poisoned, but is able to recover thanks to Raven as the poison is diluted. It’s later shown that Donna saw an image of the beastmen that poisoned her while Raven was reaching her soul into hers, and managed to fight them off
- Raven heals Joey, though the time and pain she feels doing so is unusually high. She speculates a cold has affected her soul self and healing powers, but it’s implied to in reality be due to the soul-draining effects of her current boyfriend and the danger she senses in him
- Can only heal Jack's suffering so far, and that he has to learn to live with his lost eye
- Heals Beast Boy’s pain
- Cures Beast Boy of the poison in his veins
- Heals her blistering skin after getting hit
- Raven heals Dove’s injuries, including head trauma and three broken ribs
- Raven’s empathic abilities allow her to take directed emotion, good thoughts, prayer, etc, from the Titans and heal herself, even while unconscious
- Alleviates Red Arrow’s pain
- Heals Superboy and speeds along his regeneration. Superboy is full of kryptonite, which Raven says she can’t heal, but it’s worth noting her powers were in-flux and not functioning properly at the time
- Absorbs Wally’s pain as he opens the Speedforce, even as he considers it excruciating
- Raven senses a man has been hemorrhaging internally since the attack. The wounds are too severe for her to fix, but she eases his pain as he dies so he dies peacefully
- Heals an injured civilian
- Heals a man who’s been shot
- Feels and heals a dude’s pain, allowing him to see again after being briefly blinded
- Senses the soul of a dying man and heals him
- Heals a group of civilians
- Absorbs Damian’s pain, allowing him to heal quicker
- Absorbs the pain of Lucia to heal her
- Takes Wonder Woman’s pain into herself, healing her from near death, though the pain she experiences makes her collapse herself
- Heals and saves a bunch of dying civilians, and heals a kid’s leg
- Heals Beast Boy with a chant
- Heals her own hurting hands
- Swallows the pain caused by the Ghost of Christmas Past across the city
- Begins absorbing a mother’s pain, the mother being septic and close to death, and reads her mind to see the cause of the infection. She manages to cure her at the cost of knocking herself out
- [Dark Raven] Drains Jericho of the rest of a poison
- [Trigon] Quickly heals his eyes
- [Trigon] Even after his body and soul are destroyed, Trigon eventually comes back
- [Siblings] Belial heals his chopped off hands
- [Siblings] Raven tears out Belial’s heart, but it can grow back in moments
- [Siblings] Pandora cuts off the heads of Ruskoff and Suge, which they quickly recover from
Energy Absorption
Raven can drain others of their energy and empower herself with it. This is typically explained as being the opposite of her ability to heal, taking the strength of others instead of lending others her own. As such, Raven doesn’t like doing it to her teammates, as it will weaken them.- Arella and Raven tap into the core of their souls to help drain Trigon's powers. On her own, Arella admits Trigon's powers overshadow her and she cannot hold him for long, while Raven struggles to maintain it for long
- Absorbs power from Supergirl to empower herself and heal, as their minds are connected. It’s described as the opposite of her healing powers, which is why she probably doesn’t do this more and expresses reluctance over it
- Alice, Raven’s aunt, read that when Raven touches the hurt, she lends them her strength. Alice does the opposite, and links hands with the entire crowd to let Raven take her strength, empowering her
- Helps channel 10 megajoules of electromagnetic energy to the Rock of Eternity
- [Golden Raven] Channels the spiritual energies of Wonder Woman and the Amazons into Darkseid to replenish him
- [Trigon] In his backstory, Trigon feeds on the evil of the Heart of Darkness, which comprises the evil of universes and 100 galaxies, massively empowering him
- [Siblings] Trigon’s sons betray him and steal his power, making him so weak he won’t be able to open another portal for centuries. It’s later said that because they drained Trigon when he was almost empty, they didn’t gain much power
Soul Manipulation
Raven can manipulate souls, interfacing with them or controlling their shape. With her own Soul-Self, she can pierce souls directly, even while they’re still inside someone’s body.- Raven falls through the dimensional waves of the Nexus of All Dimensions, containing a "universe of lost souls". She can control the souls, her own existence, and the shape of her soul to flow through the souls (though it’s unclear if she's manipulating the entire universe), returning back to earth
- Interfaces with Drone’s soul, sharing experiences and visions
- Raven shows Superboy his budding soul in her Soul-Self
- Raven “stabbed” the souls of the Titans with her Soul-Self, grounding them in different parts of the time-stream. It’s stated earlier that she needs to connect with the Titans throughout time, grabbing their souls with her talons
- Banishes some spirits to the spirit world, and later banishes the Ghost of Christmas Past from Earth
- Raven uses her Soul-Self to slam around a ghost. The ghost is anchored, and she later frees the ghost from his soul-lock with a flick of her wrist, allowing him to travel unconfined
- Beast Boy says he thinks Raven is ready to rip the Disruptor’s soul out, though it’s unclear how literal he’s being
- While being used by Starfire, her Soul-Self helps destroy Trigon’s soul. Note that not even the souls of Azarath could destroy Trigon’s energy
- [Dark Raven] By possessing a woman, destroys her soul
- [Dark Raven] Feeds on Monsieur Moniard’s soul
- [Dark Raven] Raven feeds on souls, and threatens to feed on part of Liz’s again, implying she drained some of her’s
- [Golden Raven] Guides Cyborg’s soul into a CPU, and later funnels his soul into the Omegadrome
- [Golden Raven] Prevents Cyborg’s soul from dissipating, though it takes all her “soul energy” and she cannot do so forever
- [Golden Raven] Channels the spiritual energies of the Amazons into Darkseid. Raven uses her empathic powers to fuse part of Wonder Woman’s soul into Darkseid without him knowing, tainting his soul with a part that longs for hope and kindness
- [Trigon] When Trigon’s body died, he sent his genetic material into his seeds, murdering the “still-living” souls of his children. The seeds are Trigon himself and allow for his resurrection
- [Trigon] Trigon pierces and cuts Violet’s soul as she possesses Raven’s soulless body (note that Violet was later shown to be nearly dead, but alive after this)
- [Phantasm] Phantasm’s 1000 souls are so inextricably linked they can only be considered one. If they were to be analyzed, the chances of finding any element of those souls would be “infinitesimal”
- [Dark Raven] The souls of Azarath possessing Raven contain Trigon’s essence, and claim they found the soul of Azar and held it in their Soul-Selves, deeming it weak before destroying it with ease. It turns out Azar’s soul lived on in Arella, but it’s notable that they believed this in the first place
- [Dark Raven] Raven, possessed by Trigon and the souls of Azarath, has a “thirst for souls” and “feeds on life”, and threatens to possess everything that exists as they grow in power, eventually becoming the new universe
- [Dark Raven] Kisses Starfire, attempting to implant her demon seed, and drains part of her soul. Even weeks later, Starfire is still suffering trauma from Raven’s attack, and it’s stated the evil Raven implanted inside Starfire drove her crazy for weeks. Starfire harbors two souls due to the Trigon seed, and the seed is what gave her the urge to go back to Tamaran. It’s later revealed that when Raven attempted to implant a seed in Starfire, she actually unknowingly implanted the good Raven that still existed inside of her, who directed Starfire to Tamaran, which allows Starfire to use Raven’s Soul-Self and her empathic powers
- [Dark Raven] Liz’s body is severely aged by the Trigon seed, and Starfire is going crazy due to the influence of Raven. Starfire hears voices in her head from it, and the voice of Raven trying to corrupt her, even somehow wiping Starfire’s memory of her time on Earth
- [Dark Raven] Liz’s body explodes as it can not bear the power of Trigon’s offspring
- [Dark Raven] Beast Boy thinks the entire Justice League could bear the souls of Trigon’s children
- [Dark Raven] Drains a man of his soul with a kiss, and claims she needs a million souls to fuel her in the final ceremony
- [Dark Raven] Raven and her minions perform the Ceremony of Conversion on Donna, weakening her humanity as the Trigon seed invades her body. An ordinary human body would explode from the building pressures
- [Dark Raven] Even after Raven seemingly dies, Beast Boy is still corrupted by the Trigon seed and still serves her. The seed within Beast Boy carries the souls of 10 of Trigon’s children
- [Dark Raven] Raven finally summons forth the seeds of 10 of her siblings from within Beast Boy and lets them be reborn, isolating the soul. This frees Beast Boy from his madness, but it’s much later revealed that even after it was removed, some part of the Trigon seed still lingers within Beast Boy
Soul Absorption
Raven can absorb and channel souls in their entirety. She has twice defeated Trigon by absorbing the souls of many others, and using them to greatly empower herself.
- Her body as a conduit for all the souls of Azar and Azarath, empowering her and allowing her to destroy Trigon
- Absorbs the decaying souls of the dying guards and feeds them to Ash instead of her own soul, causing her to begin decaying
- Raven’s sisters sacrifice themselves and empower her with all their souls, which gives Raven enough power to blast away Trigon and defeat him
- [Dark Raven] Raven, possessed by the souls of Azarath and Trigon, summons and absorbs the Azarathean souls possessing the other Titans in order to gain more power
- [Trigon] Trigon siphoned 100 billion souls from his home dimension to escape the Netherverse, stealing the souls of his entire universe, and absorbs 4 billion more on Earth to return to full power
The following are any empathic abilities Raven has that don’t fit into the aforementioned categories.- Can purge Kid Crusader of his demon essence and let it free. She ends up restraining Kid Crusader, but cannot hold him for much longer, and transfers the demon essence from Crusader to Kid Devil by touching both
- Creates a mental arena for Mitchell to confront an image of his father (the latter of which she mentions is something he’s doing, not her). She describes meditation as the same principle, creating a reality you can learn to control in
- Raven replays a fight that happened in the sewers by watching its “Psychic Echo”. She is unable to track the soldiers present in it
- Empathically merges with a woman entering a sphere to feel what she feels, and senses the numbing fear of the hundreds of souls inside
- Takes control of the Dawnbreaker’s constructs and sic them on him
- Mentally battles a man on a “sideways plane of existence”. Her Soul-Self is stretched to breaking. The fight lasts three days straight, with Raven appearing totally motionless standing still in Arizona against him the entire time. Nightwing isn’t a meta and so is immune to his “astral powers”, and simply whacks unconscious his physical form
- Raven empathically assists Miss Martian, preventing her psionics from hurting a man
- Has a mental training session, where she basically simulates a battle in her head
- Raven meditates with Billy and Dane, allowing her to see the Rock of Eternity and his thoughts with the former and creating a sort of psychic cocoon for the latter
- [Phantasm] As an empath, Phantasm interfaces with cyberspace to see the true intent of the Technis
The following are any instances of her empathic powers failing to work or showing a limit.Sensing
- The immense emotions around her on Earth knock an early Raven unconscious, and Wally West’s passions and love cause her pain
- The evil of Trigon's dimension overwhelms her
- Unable to separate the Titans' emanations from all the others in Trigon's dimension
- Cannot sense Arella’s fear
- Brother Blood confuses her empathic perceptions
- Challenges “the most insane man on earth”, who was “born without a soul”. His madness is so thick that Raven’s Soul-Self is helpless before it, and she knocks both herself and him out trying to cleanse him, as “complete madness” is needed to overwhelm her senses
- Raven cannot sense the feelings of the adult Titans due to them having built up a (metaphorical) armor around their hearts
- After being brainwashed, Superboy can now no longer be sensed by Raven, and she cannot feel his emotions
- Raven shows Superboy his budding soul, which she previously couldn’t sense before as it was buried too deep
- Raven tries using her empathic powers to scan for Donna, but Crius invades her mind and makes her feel the emotions of every person on the planet, knocking her out
- The use of the Medusa Mask causes Raven to sense all the changing emotions around her, with her unable to contain and absorb them all and causing her to fall
- She notes a person she’s saving is blinded by too many emotions, and so she can’t get a good read
- Unsure if she can calm down some monsters, as she senses nothing but pure rage
- Can’t identify the Calculator’s emotional signal among a crowd because there’s too many people, meaning she can’t sort them all out
- Raven tries grabbing a monster, but she’s pure darkness and evil, a demon like Trigon, meaning Raven can’t handle it and is pushed back
- Is so overwhelmed by Solstice’s emotions and inner energy that she involuntarily attacks as she can’t take the anguish anymore. She describes it like she felt a great weight pushing down on her
- Nearly collapses from Cyborg’s self-loathing
- Unable to sense the presence of Danny the Street
- Is so overwhelmed by the thoughts of a crowd that she’s on her knees. Bunker says he’s never seen her like this
- Senses an aura of darkness around Cassandra, but is unable to tell if she’s lying due to the complexity of her mind, with too many twists and turns. She describes it as full of mazes
- A crowd with conflicting emotions makes her unable to concentrate. She senses the crowd is being mind controlled, but is unable to free their conflicting resisting emotions
- Senses pain and anguish, which makes her feel poisoned
- Raven has difficulty locating Jackson due to the “emotional volume” of Starfire and Damian, and asks them to tone it down
- The fear of all the innocents in Gotham is unbearable for Raven
- Momentarily stunned by the worsening terror and confusion around her
- Superboy’s Solar Flare acts as a jamming frequency, and prevents Raven from locking on to him. It’s later said that Damian and Jon Kent being knocked out is the only way to prevent Raven from tracking them
- Ever since the Source Wall fell, Raven is empathically overwhelmed by the fear and shock of people’s lives changing across the world, and comes to Arizona to get away from it
- Senses a presence, but doesn’t spot the invisible Azure hiding away
- Even without her soul, can sense high levels of residual source energy and impending hostility from far away. That said, without her soul she finds it hard to focus empathically and might be reading her own worries. Without her Soul-Self, she’s unable to tell what Donna is thinking. She describes it like she’s not feeling anything
- Senses Donna’s presence, but a malevolent force makes it difficult to focus
- Raven has trouble communicating with animals due to how primal their fear is
- Even unconscious, Grymm’s mind is a mess with many layers, so Raven cannot scan it
- The deafening voices in Washington overwhelm Raven, messing up her empathic abilities and preventing her from reading Nightwing
- Senses the thoughts of the souls around her, including Mother Blood and Kyle, but it’s almost drowned out by the loudness of Mother Blood’s thoughts
Emotion Manipulation
- Getting hit while using her empathic powers disrupts her, forcing her to teleport away
- Sent flying by the Disrupter while trying to connect with him
- Unable to calm a beastman
- While using Raven’s soul self, Starfire attempts to cleanse Beast Boy of the Trigon Seed within him. The evil is too powerful though, and resists her
- Senses how the emotions around her are agitated, and tries absorbing them, which makes her keel over
- Tries entering Jericho’s mind and fixing his soul, but his mind is too broken and his soul too corrupt for her to enter and fix it, knocking her back
- Headcase is out of control, and so Raven can no longer reach out to him
- Draws the pain of a crowd into her, which hurts as she cannot easily disperse it. She tries alleviating their fears as they enter a sphere, but she’s unable to stop them. She is overwhelmed by the emotions around her
- Tries putting a man to sleep with a blast, but he resists and goes berserk. The man goes supernova, and Raven tries touching him to heal his pain, but it burns her hands
- [Dark Raven] Lilith manages to turn the possessed Titans against Raven, wresting control of them from her
- Cannot heal missing limbs
- A dying man with an unstable heart has pain beyond Raven’s power to remove
- A hit from Ultra-Humanite interrupts her as she tries extracting his pain
- While she's draining the pain from somebody, Raven is completely unaware of her surroundings
- Curing old age is beyond Raven's ability, and she cannot prevent death from it
- Raven can soothe pains, but she can’t hold back death
- Azure prevents Raven from healing her, giving her an electrical shock instead
- An arrow to the heart is too far gone for Raven to heal
Raven’s signature ability, where she separates her soul from her body. Her Soul-Self typically manifests as the silhouette of a raven, but it’s also taken the shape of a fully limbed bird, or even the shape of Raven herself. Raven can see, hear, and speak through her Soul-Self, allowing her to communicate at long distance or survey areas. Her Soul-Self also contains an entirely separate dimension inside of it, and possesses all of Raven’s empathic abilities, allowing Raven to absorb her foes to manipulate their mind from within, or alternatively for simple storage as Raven travels. Raven can operate her Soul-Self from over a thousand miles away, and possibly even interstellar distances.Her Soul-Self is indicated a few times to embody Raven’s dark side, everything about her that comes from Trigon, with Raven’s body being what contains that evil and keeps it at bay. At one point, when Raven’s body was destroyed, her Soul-Self’s evil could no longer be contained, and began acting on its own as the supervillain Dark Raven, possessing a woman and using her body before it could dissipate. At the end of this arc, Raven’s soul is purified and becomes golden, with Raven now able to freely act and use her powers as just her soul. Later on, her Soul-Self is shown to contain both a demonic half and a good half.
- Passes through a Green Lantern construct
- Pulled in by tractor beams, suggesting it may have mass
- Flies to Titans Tower and speaks with Raven’s voice
- Functions even as Raven is unconscious (she claims in the next issue she barely had time to release it before she was knocked out)
- Contains a dimension of “infinite” darkness, which exposes those inside to the truth
- Cannot withstand the vacuum of space for long
- Her Soul-Self gets possessed and physically fights off the Teen Titans
- Clearly visible to ordinary people
- Her Soul-Self being out seems to limit her abilities and may prevent her from teleporting
- Functions as Raven’s physical body is teleported away
- Compared to Obsidian’s shadow form in function
- Spots an injured child with her Soul-Self and can engage in conversation with Obsidian with it
- Operates remotely underwater
- Raven’s cloak is described as her Soul-Self by the narration, suggesting she can use her Soul-Self through her cloak
- Raven was taught to send her “astral self” into the Nether-Regions
- Claims she can vanish into her own soul
- She finds it extremely difficult to hold her Soul-Self in her new body shell without her chakra
- Raven’s soul inhabits the space separating earth and the 11 afterlifes (Heaven, Purgatory, and the 9 layers of Hell)
- Describes her Soul-Self as another dimension and an empty void
- Raven can split her Soul-Self into multiple avatars, with at least 5 shown in the comic, though she says it’s a “short-lived solution”
- After it’s split from her, Raven grabs onto her split soul in mid-air, but it knocks her away and sends her plummeting to the ground. She’s unable to fly, but her soul-self crashes back into her and rejoins
- While not explicitly called out in the comic, at one point Raven splits her Soul-Self from her body and it’s seemingly invisible to other people, as Raven is trying to hide her identity at the time and none of her classmates or family comment on it. This happens again in a later comic
- Raven feels she is dying as her Soul-Self expands out of her. Inside her mind, she confronts her monstrous Soul-Self, which tries to kill her flesh in order to be free. A manifestation of Antt formed from her memories appears in her mind and encourages her, and she manages to resist her father’s influence in her Soul-Self and overpower it to regain control
- Raven’s body and soul exist uniquely independently. At one point, when Raven’s Soul-Self is out of her body, and Violet has fused with her and filled Raven’s body with her own soul, an attack from Trigon targets only Violet and does no damage to Raven
- Raven has a subtle feeling of unease, but takes a bit to realize her Soul-Self is gone. When she’s near it, Raven can feel the pain of her trapped Soul-Self, and can tell its close
- When her Soul-Self is split into two, its good half appears to be tangible and touchable, and can teleport. The good half later merges with both Lenore and the physical Raven, becoming whole again
- Projects her Soul-Self even while unconscious (which Beast Boy notes looks damaged for an astral projection) in order to guide him to her body
- [Dark Raven] Operating as just her Soul-Self while her body is destroyed, Raven claims her soul is actually better than her body, as it can’t be wounded or killed
- [Dark Raven] When Raven is seemingly killed, only her body is destroyed. Her Soul-Self had to quickly seek a host before it extinguished. It possessed a human woman, destroying her soul and taking her life
- [Dark Raven] Raven projects her soul from her hair
- [Dark Raven] Described as a non-corporeal Terran soul matching the bio-pattern of the soul found in Starfire
- [Golden Raven] Can seemingly sense the number of people stored within her Soul-Self
Raven’s soul is a dimensional portal, which leads to an alternate dimension and the domain of Raven, a safe space where she claims she can’t be hurt. The Soul-Self’s inside is drawn like an entirely separate universe, and Raven can fully exert her empathic powers inside it. She commonly uses it for storage, containing people or objects inside it as she travels.- Cloaks and absorbs Starfire, shielding her as she falls
- Absorbs Cyborg for safety and teleports him away
- Absorbs the blasts of some terrorists, before telekinetically grabbing a bomb
- Absorbs the telekinetic attacks of Francis Kane and expels them, later growing in size to absorb entire cars (though she mentions that “under these conditions” she cannot maintain her Soul-Self for long)
- Absorbs a thrown axe, though the pain causes her to immediately expel it to prevent it tearing her apart
- Absorbs debris
- Envelops a Gordanian, who later explodes inside her with her feeling no ill-effect
- Envelops Thunder and Lightning, her Soul-Self inside being described as “endless”
- Absorbs a blast from Mento through her cloak
- Absorbs a laser blast
- Catches Starfire and the laser blast which KOed her
- Raven takes Starfire into her Soul Self to save her, the Soul Self "plummeting from this spectral spatiality" and vanishing from space
- The energy of Sparta's blast fills Raven a moment before her soul-self shatters, with some of her power remaining in Raven's soul without releasing. Raven can contain Sparta’s power within her Soul-Self, in the same way she contains the demon Trigon, and grows her Soul-Self in size to envelop and contain Sparta, alongside containing Athyns and Donna
- Contains the Wildebeest's explosion
- Jericho tries possessing her, only for his soul to be dragged into her soul-self
- Sucks all the Titans into her soul-self like a vacuum
- Uses the energy of her Soul-Self (which is visible) to suck the demons she’s summoned back into her cloak
- Raven lets Supergirl into her Soul-Self, and takes her to Azarath
- Carries some injured civilians in her Soul-Self as she flies
- Stores an unconscious Bart Allen in her Soul-Self realm for safety, and later pulls him out
- [Dark Raven] Absorbs a starbolt from Starfire, and ensnares her and the other Titans
- [Dark Raven] Absorbs Kyle Rayner
- [Golden Raven] Frees the Titans of the fake virtual realities they’ve been placed in with her Soul-Self, even the likes of Supergirl
- [Golden Raven] Raven stores Cyborg’s soul in her Soul-Self for a time, though she cannot hold his soul indefinitely, as it takes all of her “soul energy” to prevent his soul from dissipating
- [Golden Raven] Catches Donna in her Soul-Self and teleports her from Heaven to Earth
- [Golden Raven] Contains Darkseid and Wonder Woman in her soul-self
Mind Manipulation
Raven commonly uses her Soul-Self to alter the emotions of others, whether through showing them their greatest fears or outright manipulating their mind. Note that, as these abilities are a subset of Raven’s standard empath powers, she should be able to replicate any of the following feats of mind manipulation without using her Soul-Self.- Ensnares and pacifies some terrorists
- Ensnares Rhea, easing her anger and putting her to sleep
- Traps the Disruptor, showing him a nightmare of his future fate which leaves him subdued
- Loses control and almost kills Wally West. It’s unclear how she does this, but Wally mentions feeling immense pain while ensnared by her, suggesting it could be her manipulating the pain he feels
- Frees Donna Troy from mind control
- Calms a berserk Beast Boy, absorbing and expelling his anger
- Puts Starfire (the Russian one) to sleep
- Envelops a man and picks out info from his mind
- Envelops two criminals, making them feel the pain they caused others
- Envelops a child, showing him a vision of what will happen if he gets addicted to drugs
- Fills a man with her own doubt and uncertainty on accident
- Enters Obsidian’s soul with her own, sensing his feelings and thoughts on the people in his life
- Envelops Ultra-Humanite, making him flash through his own memories
- Absorbs Sparta’s hatred and fears as she’s contained by it
- Stores seven people inside her Soul-Self as she teleports, instinctively calming the fears
- Raven senses no danger from the Wildebeest and pacifies him with her Soul-Self
- Envelops Cyborg and purges Jericho from him, who was possessing him
- Raven catches Speedy in her soul self, which "tears his memories apart before regurgitating them". He experiences a stream of his own memories and past opportunities before being thrown out upon seeing the image of Raven, knocking them both unconscious
- Raven's soul self traps two thugs and makes them see what their life has become, but there is so much pain that Raven is forced to spit them out
- Soul-Self burns Eric, and frees the many trapped souls within him (as well as Jericho seemingly)
- Induces a group of people to slumber
- Raven’s Soul-Self mentally affects the Titans and causes them to start thinking negative thoughts
- Accidentally uses her Soul-Self to calm Cassie down without meaning to
- ”Swallows” the emotions of a crowd, eating their anger with her soul-self
- Raven unleashes her Soul-Self and traps Superboy, sending him on a literal soul-searching journey through his own memories and thoughts
- Envelops a villain in her soul-self and takes them out of the fight
- Envelops Risk in her Soul-Self and makes him relive his past agony
- Her Soul-Self travels across a city, freeing her friends from mind control
- Intercepts Match with her Soul-Self. She tries reaching Match’s consciousness while avoiding Jericho’s, who’s possessing him, and finding his fear, but Match is so terrified and full of fear that Raven is sent reeling back
- Raven grows her Soul-Self to take the entire T-Wing into it, though it ends up avoiding the Soul-Self
- Raven takes Headcase into her Soul-Self dimension, which is depicted as being filled with galaxies and rocks, and senses his emotions before calming him down
- Raven takes Headcase to her Soul-Self realm before frightening him with a giant image of her demonic self within it
- Guides fleeing civilians to safety inside her shadow self. Raven shows all the people stored in her shadows in a horrifying image. She lets them all free, and says they’ll be fine in a few weeks
- Helps calm and stabilize Robert as he loses control of his powers
- Raven unleashes her Soul-Self and ensnares Mongul, terrifying him and knocking him unconscious. She claims he could have killed him if she was angrier
- [Dark Raven] Fires a blast at Cyborg which puts him in an illusion in her Soul-Self to make him think he's dying, though he breaks out by punching through her Soul-Self
- [Dark Raven] Absorbs Lanier into her cloak and places him in an illusion
- [Golden Raven] Envelops Orion in her Soul Self and calms his rage
- [Golden Raven] Transports Donna, Roy, and the rest of the Titans via her Soul Self
- [Golden Raven] Contains some villains in her soul-self to cleanse them of evil
Dimensional Travel
The Soul-Self is connected to other dimensions, and Raven can use it to teleport others upon contact, sending them to a different point on Earth or to other universes. She can use this to support her teammates, or to banish her foes completely, removing them from the battlefield.- Sends a bomb to another dimension before it explodes
- Banishes Brother Blood and his men to a hellscape, a later comic confirming they were banished to another dimension by Raven, specifically to the 8th layer of Hell. She suspects her Soul-Self sent Brother Blood and his cult far, far away, but is not fully sure, suggesting she did this unconsciously
- Uses her Soul-Self to teleport the Titans back to HQ
- Teleports some heroes away by reaching out to them with tendrils from her Soul-Self
- Teleports the Titans through her Soul-Self
- Takes some mooks to the “nightmare realm” and sends them out traumatized
- Raven traps Mammoth in her Soul-Self, sending him to a purgatory dimension until he can be contained by A.R.G.U.S
- Teleports two pilots to Belle Reve upon contact with her Soul-Self
- Teleports away a falling person with her Soul-Self
- An alternate timeline version of Raven uses her Soul-Self to outright banish Deathstroke from her reality and send him to the main DC universe
- [Phantasm] Teleports some lasers to another dimension with its body (note that this is directly compared in function to Raven’s Soul-Self)
Raven’s Soul-Self is usually depicted as being corporeal, and can be used to physically restrain things. As Dark Raven, she frequently shapeshifts her Soul-Self into shackles around others.- Restrains and drags in an enemy with her Soul-Self
- Restrains Kid Crusader
- Restrains some security guards with her blue Soul-Self, knocking a cannon out of their hands
- Saves her cousin from falling with her Soul-Self
- Shapes her Soul-Self to restrain some soldiers
- Summons her Soul-Self during a test to grab a book
- Summons her Soul-Self to restrain Bertok and his host
- [Dark Raven] Raven projects her soul from her hair and uses it to restrain Donna
- [Dark Raven] Restrains Kyle by shapeshifting her Soul-Self hair
- [Dark Raven] Restrains and kidnaps Starfire
- [Dark Raven] Shapes itself to carry Beast Boy through space
Concussive Force
The Soul-Self has shown to be able to apply force as it travels in order to attack or repel enemies.
- Sends Kid Devil flying back with her Soul-Self, breaking the ground
- Her soul breaks the guns wielded by her friends
- Gets tackled into the ground by some demons, before repelling them with her Soul-Self
- Attacks the Wyld with her Soul-Self
- Unleashes her Soul-Self and blows Headcase away, knocking him out
- Shapes her Soul-Self into an image of herself all stand like, and uses it to punch some criminals, shattering a table
- Deflects an attack with a fist formed from her Soul-Self
- Senses fear and projects her Soul-Self, which rams into and takes down some soldiers
- Takes out some guards
Due to being a literal soul, Raven has at one point used her Soul-Self to project her consciousness into others and speak through them. After her body was destroyed, her dark Soul-Self outright destroyed the soul of a random woman and replaced it with its own, taking her body for itself. Likewise, other Azarathean spirits alongside her father have routinely possessed others, even believing themselves capable of possessing Superman. These souls are very powerful, and a host that’s too weak will outright die if they contain the souls inside for too long. It’s been stated that both Raven’s corrupted Soul-Self and the spirits of Azarath risk dissipating entirely if they don’t find a host quickly.- Possesses a group of kids from far away and projects a visible aura/energy signature around them, using them to communicate before disappearing
- [Dark Raven] Her corrupted and bodiless Soul-Self possesses a woman on Earth and destroys her soul, taking it as her new body
- [Trigon] Trigon’s essence merges with the souls of Azarath upon his destruction
- [Trigon + Souls of Azarath] Jericho is corrupted and possessed by the souls, his ability to possess others conditioning his body to accept the souls. The souls later transfer into the rest of the Titans. Much later, Jericho notes that the souls of Azarath/Trigon are much better at possession than he could ever be, though it’s debatable how literal he’s being.
- [Trigon] Tim Drake is possessed by Trigon from across dimensions
- [Trigon] Trigon possesses Bar Torr, Superboy, Cassie, and Miguel
- [Siblings] Suge possesses Bar Torr. He’s knocked out of it by a blow to the head, and Bar Torr says he needs to hold his mind to possess it, and that wasn’t gonna work because Bar Torr thinks too fast
Raven’s Soul-Self is quite tanky, and is capable of enduring many strong attacks. Even when it’s been completely shattered, Raven can quickly repair it and keep going.
- Survives having her Soul-Self shattered by Hyperion, though recalling it causes her pain
- Endures multiple fired blasts
- Endures a laser blast
- Takes the brunt of a falling piece of debris and its explosion. She claims that in this form, nothing can hurt her
- Blocks a missile
- Shields all the Titans from a massive explosion, though it heavily strains her
- Safeguards Donna, blocking an energy blast which had previously knocked her out, and flies away
- Attempts to envelop Plasmus, whose protoplasm shatters her Soul-Self and forces her to recall it
- Endures a constant blast from Sparta before eventually exploding and shattering, with Raven managing to recall its shattered pieces back into herself. She teleports soon after this, but Nightwing later claims she’s still used up a lot of her strength
- Survives Brother Blood destroying her Soul-Self after she envelops him, though it takes a bit for her to recover
- A fight between Donna Troy, Sparta, and Athyns in her soul-self threatens to rip Raven's soul apart, but she manages to withstand it
- Dark Angel destroys Raven’s Soul-Self with a blast, knocking her out of the fight for a bit
- Raven tries enveloping The Persuader in her Soul-Self, but he cuts straight through it with his Atomic Axe and knocks her back
- Kestrel cuts through Raven’s Soul-Self and subdues her. Bart collects the remaining scattered pieces of her Soul-Self somehow
- A demon cuts through her Soul-Self, and slaps her away
- Endures a blast from a soldier
- Takes a hit from a force beam
- [Dark Raven] The combined power of Starfire's starbolt and Cyborg's sonic blast breaks the Soul Self from within and frees them from it, knocking Raven away, but she quickly recovers
- [Dark Raven] Cyborg shatters her soul self with a sonic cannon, returning it back to her body. Nightwing elaborates that the white sound machine disrupted her inner ear, with the pain making her lose control over her soul self and knocking her unconscious
- Appears to travel to New Chronus while containing Donna Troy and Sparta, before “opening” and allowing energy to be channeled through out of the Soul-Self
- Raven astral projects into the limbo of Azarath while her body is on Earth
- An angered Raven projecting her Soul Self shakes the entire Titans Tower
- Arella says Raven can't get sick, as her Soul-Self protects her from all illnesses
- Raven's soul-self senses danger in Eric and acts by itself without Raven's command, knocking him away
- Raven's Soul-Self is the well of many Azarathean lives, and so is basically worth many souls in one
- The Soul-Self protects Raven from being possessed by the merged energies of Azarath and Trigon, without Raven even knowing
- Raven feels in her Soul-Self that the boundaries between life and death have weakened and souls are slipping between. The spirit of the Spectre rises out of her Soul-Self, as do Brother Blood and Lilith, sending Beast Boy flying
- Raven’s good self envelops her evil self in her Soul-Self, and appears to merge with it and restore Raven to normal
- The Soul-Self’s energy is proof against Belial’s hellfire, and she can sheathe herself and others if they’re resilient enough with a touch. She does so to Superboy, who describes it as pretty painful. Raven’s power fades from Superboy over time
- Harvest’s Meta-DNA cannot live in contact with Raven’s Soul-Self, and so she attacks it, triggering an explosion
- Raven summons her Soul-Self to stop the Shadow Riders, who aren’t solid
- Clashes Soul-Selves with her dark counterpart
- Raven sends her Soul-Self to chase after Beast Boy, who’s been sucked into a statue. She feels him fading, and convinces him to lose control by speaking through her Soul-Self
- Raven shapes her Soul-Self into the image and voice of Brother Blood in order to trick his followers into escaping through her
- Jericho’s lion-shaped Soul-Self knocks away all the Titans, restrains Donna, and straight up disintegrates a Wildebeest upon contact, multiple times. Arella says his Soul-Self is more powerful than seemingly hers or Raven’s, but Arella is notably immune to its effects and Jericho’s attempts to attack her, due to Azar’s soul resting within her
- [Dark Raven] The Soul-Self, possessed by the spirits of Azarath and Trigon, blasts Azar’s soul, shattering it and returning what remains to Arella’s body
- [Dark Raven] Uses “a manifestation of her soul” to create a sort of shield which repels Nightwing and others from reaching her
- [Dark Raven] Casts dark lightning from her soul to harm Phantasm
- [Dark Raven] Teleports away while restraining Starfire
- [Dark Raven] Attacks and destroys the Technis ship with its projections, creating a huge explosion
- [Golden Raven] Her Soul-Self is stricken by Zauriel’s holy sword in order to create a portal to the celestial plane, unfolding into a “trans-reality” portal to Heaven. It’s stated that only a combination of holy fire and ascending soul will penetrate the veils of Pax Dei
Raven’s Soul-Self is the core of many of her powers, and without it in her body, she becomes unable to utilize some of her key abilities. The exact specifics of it are a little inconsistent, such as one comic suggesting she can’t fly without it while a later comic says she still can, but it’s clear it weakens her. The most detailed explanation given is that without her Soul-Self, she still has access to some of her residual magic and baser abilities, such as flight and energy projection, but the potency and range of her abilities is diminished. It’s also quite literally her emotional core, and without it she is unable to feel any form of empathy.
Initially, she could only safely keep her soul separate for up to 5 minutes, as anything longer would thrust her soul into a nightmarish alternate dimension which would try to rip her soul apart and prevent it from returning, but this weakness was dropped later in her history. A later comic claims that, while Raven can split her physical body and soul into two, if Raven remains separated from her soul for too long, her body will implode and take out everything in many miles, but Raven later goes several weeks without her Soul-Self with no notable side effects, indicating she lost this weakness as well. In general, this doesn’t come up in modern comics.
Many have also broken out of or otherwise restrained her Soul-Self in some way. The following lists notable instances of her Soul-Self failing, alongside any other weaknesses it may have.
Initially, she could only safely keep her soul separate for up to 5 minutes, as anything longer would thrust her soul into a nightmarish alternate dimension which would try to rip her soul apart and prevent it from returning, but this weakness was dropped later in her history. A later comic claims that, while Raven can split her physical body and soul into two, if Raven remains separated from her soul for too long, her body will implode and take out everything in many miles, but Raven later goes several weeks without her Soul-Self with no notable side effects, indicating she lost this weakness as well. In general, this doesn’t come up in modern comics.
Many have also broken out of or otherwise restrained her Soul-Self in some way. The following lists notable instances of her Soul-Self failing, alongside any other weaknesses it may have.
- Physically restrained by a protoplasmic cell, which causes Raven’s body to keel over
- Brother Blood steps right through her Soul-Self, causing Raven immense pain. This is explained later as being a result of Brother Blood’s ability to drain emotions like Raven
- Her Soul-Self is overwhelmed by the energies of the Ultra-Humanite and is unable to contain it, knocking her out
- Cannot get past a wall of mystical diamonds
- While enveloping a soldier, is taken out by a beam of “plasmic light” and crumples. Raven can sense her Soul-Self is in danger and must reunite with it
- Severe sonic disruption disrupts her Soul-Self
- Vicky escapes from the Soul-Self by becoming intangible light-energy
- Raven and her adult self clash Soul-Selves, knocking both out
- Raven tries consuming Doctor Light’s hate with her Soul-Self, only for Light to repel it and feed her so much hate she collapses
- Raven takes Supergirl into her Soul-Self, but Supergirl’s fear of the dark causes her to break out of it. Raven couldn’t control her feelings when she placed Supergirl inside
- Kestrel takes Raven’s Soul-Self from her body and to his lair in the Chaos Realm. She can feel him ripping it apart, and she’s weakened as a result, as Kestrel tortures and restrains the Soul-Self (note that Cyborg can physically grab the collar restraining the Soul-Self)
- Something has exploited the crack between the afterlife and blown the doorway between life and death open, infecting her Soul-Self and allowing Brother Blood to escape
- Raven’s Soul-Self has no effect on the soulless bodies summoned by Brother Blood
- Traps Black Adam in her soul-self, but he tears his way through
- Raven’s physical body begins disintegrating, giving her soul only seconds to act.
- Raven tries trapping the Joker in her Soul-Self and showing him his worst fears, but he’s not afraid of it and think its funny, driving her away
- Easily repelled by the Phantom Stranger. Raven later unleashes her Soul-Self, which the Phantom Stranger just forces back into her
- Raven’s demon form still has to bend to some laws of physics, allowing Superboy to shred her Soul-Self avatars with his telekinesis
- If her soul-self and body are separated for too long, both will implode, which seems to be what happens as her Soul-Self acts up
- [Dark Raven] Danny uses his powers to create a telekinetic shield around him and Arella, which holds against the Soul-Self’s power and allows them to enter it
- [Dark Raven] After her body is destroyed, her Soul-Self cannot last long and risks dissipating, and so must find a host to possess before that can happen
- [Dark Raven] The souls of Azarath are released from Phantasm, enveloping Raven’s Soul-Self and threatening to “tear her apart”
Raven is named after a bird, so it would be kinda embarrassing if she couldn’t fly. At first, Raven could only fly by taking the form of her bodiless soul. After her soul was bound to a new, younger body, Raven can just fly naturally, though this change is never explicitly addressed. She’s described flight as a form of magic, and one of her baser abilities that she can use even without her Soul-Self.- Transforms into a bird-shape to fly to Titans Tower. She describes this state as a “bodiless soul”, allowing her to phase through walls
- Appears to hover in the air
- Flies high above the Himalayan mountains
- Flies to a hospital room
- Flies high above the city
- Even while drained of energy, Raven can still fly
- Flies around a building
- Flies through and above the city
- Returns to camp by flying as a soul
- Flies into the Bleed in order to save Beast Boy
- Flies well into the upper atmosphere (though note that Nightwing can still breathe)
- Flies well above a city
- [Dark Raven] Levitates through the air
- [Golden Raven] Flies as a bird from the moon to Earth
- [Golden Raven] Raven’s Soul-Self quickly flies into orbit and to the moon while carrying the Titans
- [Trigon] Capable of hovering, and can fly between dimensions
- [Phantasm] Flies high above the earth and into orbit
At her core, Raven is one of DC’s many magic characters, and has numerous spells at her disposal. She draws from the same overall source of magic as other DC characters like Zatanna, and has used her belief to empower the magic of Wonder Woman.
Energy Projection
Her primary offensive option. Raven can fire large blasts of energy as beams, or can project shockwaves out of her body to blow people away, usually when she’s under high emotional stress. Without her Soul-Self, Raven’s energy projection is greatly weakened.
- Seems to fire out energy blasts
- Hits Muse with "the power of some long-lost dimension" from her cape, igniting him
- An influx of pain causes her to generate a shockwave which knocks back Jericho
- Fires an energy blast which knocks her own portrait off the wall
- She gets REALLY pissed when Supergirl dismisses her war with Trigon, and unleashes a shockwave from her Soul-Self which sends Supergirl flying
- Raven is so overwhelmed by Solstice’s energy and emotions that she can’t take the anguish anymore, and unleashes a huge shockwave which blows away everyone around her, including Superboy
- Fires an energy blast which knocks back some demons
- Unleashes a vague AOE energy wave from her Soul-Self. She notes how her powers are inherently destructive
- Attacks an energy dome with a blast
- Chants an incantation to fire a big energy beam which knocks a dude back
- Shoots a purple energy blast
- Destroys a phone with a blast of magic
- Fires an energy blast at a ghost
- Repels a Shadow Rider with a magic blast (note that the Shadow Riders are incorporeal)
- Blasts a few monsters
- Can still fire energy blasts without her Soul-Self. She does this multiple times
- Darkens and breaks a scrying glass in a burst of energy
- Raven blasts her dark counterpart with energy, ultimately defeating her and all the dark Titans with a large shockwave
- Fires energy blasts from her hand which repel a transformed attack dog
- Blasts away Bertok
- Blasts Beast Boy away from up-close
- Fires a huge laser blast that destroys a robot
- Blasts through a solid wall and begins spamming blasts against robots
- [Dark Raven] Fires a beam of energy at Arella
- [Dark Raven] Blows Cyborg and Beast Boy away with a shockwave
- [Dark Raven] Blasts and one shots Danny Chase, burning him up
- [Trigon] Trigon kills Power Boy and nukes Cyborg with a laser from above
- [Arella] Arella and Danny join hands and use the power of Azar’s teachings to blast Raven and destroy her body. Azarath begins shaking apart from the power of the blast, which creates a dimensional vortex. Even as the Titans escape back to Earth, the mystical energy still chases them, and causes an implosion which completely sucks in and destroys a building, tunnel, and bridge
- After being empowered by Brother Blood, takes him down with a lightning-shaped blast
- Blasts Beast Boy with some intense lightning, which subdues him and turns him back to normal
- [Dark Raven] Fires a blast of lightning at Lilith
- [Dark Raven] Takes out Beast Boy with a lightning blast
- [Dark Raven] Takes out Danny Chase with a blast
- [Dark Raven] Shocks and slays Phantasm and the souls of Azarath within
- [Dark Raven] Shocks Greed with an electrical blast, before shocking all of her brothers at once, knocking them all out
- [Dark Raven] Lenore, who’s the dark half of Raven soul split off and given form, casts dark lightning from her blades which KOs both Kyle Rayner and Steel, and can throw blasts of lightning
- [Phantasm] Phantasm produces blasts of lightning and fire, one of which destroys a car
Raven can create shields to protect herself and others. These can encompass just a small space in front of her, or can grow large enough to cover entire buildings. She can also protect others from psionic attacks with her shields, such as mind control.- Creates a forcefield to shield the Titans from falling debris
- Creates a small shield, which Black Manta shatters
- Casts “energy-displacement spells”, which manifest as a massive forcefield which shields most of the down-town bay area against a tidal wave
- Raven sets up a displacement energy shield around her and the Titans to alter the residual direction of a Solar Flare from Superboy, though it doesn’t hold
- Creates a shield to contain Superboy’s Solar Flare, but she can’t hold it for long and it takes everything she has. She’s unable to sense Superboy’s presence while it expands
- Shields from an attack from a Shadow Rider with a magic defense
- Shields against multiple blasts from Lenore. Raven barely manages to hold her shield against the blast, so Miss Martian reinforces it with her beams, though Lenore breaks through
- Easily creates a barrier to block a blast from Neron
- Shields the Titans from a massive lightning strike that destroys part of their Titans Tower
- Shields from a blast from someone who seems to have Firestorm’s powers. She mentions how the fear in the hearts of the people is overwhelming, and is unable to hold the shield for long against the power
- Creates a forcefield to shield from bullets
- Creates a shield around her and the Titans to protect them from a psionic attack, but it’s so monstrously strong that she thinks she can’t hold it for long. She manages to sustain it long enough to shield the Titans from the HIVE Queen’s control. Raven says that if the Titans separate, she’ll be unable to shield all of them, and that the further they get the quicker they succumb (note that they’re protected even after the shield is visibly dropped). This greatly tires her out though, to the point where later she can barely stand, and the HIVE Queen can feel Raven’s defenses crumbling, doing one last push to control her
- [Dark Raven] Creates a force-field, blocking Danny Chase’s telekinetic attacks
- [Arella] Creates a mystic shield to defend against an attack from Trigon
- [Arella] Uses her Azarathean training to create a psychic shield around herself which prevents Raven from sensing her
Through her magic and other-dimensional connections, Raven can summon creatures to aid in her combat, even her own friends.- While strengthened by Azarath’s mystic energies, summons the Titans from across dimensions
- Raven/Brother Blood’s magic causes actual ravens to starts spawning, and summons a skeletal replica of Trigon
- Summons an entire armada of demons from out of her cloak
- Raven threatens Algorithm, claiming she deals with other realms of existence, and is capable of summoning a number of demons or demi-gods to deal with her
- Raven’s fans listen to a recording of one of her incantations and isolate it, which accidentally summons a massive demon
- [Trigon] Seems to summon the Justice League, including the likes of Zatanna, to battle the Titans
- [Trigon] Summons demons to attack the Titans in multiple locations
- [Trigon] Summons an army of demons
- [Trigon] Drags a woman from a different universe to his realm from across a portal
With her magic, Raven can observe others from long distances, even entirely different dimensions.
- Observes the Titans from the Underrealm
- Communicates with an image of her father on Earth. She later suggests she is unable to contact her father unless she’s on Earth
- Raven spies on Superboy from elsewhere through a portal thing
- While it’s removed from her body, Raven suddenly sees her Soul-Self, hurt and trapped in Unearth in chains
- [Dark Raven] Raven observes the Titans through some kind of portal
- [Trigon] Spies on Raven from his realm
- Raven learns Brother Blood’s flesh ritual over the course of months, and uses it to resurrect Jericho from his soul. Note that Raven could only bring Jericho back because his soul never left the Earth’s plane of existence, and that when she brought him back, his throat was healed
- Raven performs a ritual to project to and visit her father, entering the hell he rules over. Note that this plane is described as “the physical extension of his metaphysical being”. On Earth, flames begin spawning around the meditating Raven as Trigon attacks her. Wally and Beast Boy try touching her, but are blown back with force proportional to how hard they charge, knocking Beast Boy out of the tower. Roy knocks her out of the ritual with a bomb arrow, but Raven says they could have just thrown cold water on her to wake her up
- Extends an energy net out of her hands in order to catch a bunch of falling civilians
- Casts some magic that obscures the Titans from the searchlight of a helicopter and the vision of the police
- Raven casts a spell to shut down the powers of a lightning user, which involves her chanting an incantation
- Blasts a dude with a beam of energy which seals him in a sphere of dark energy stuff, which she raises into the air
- Starts a fire
- Magically marks Wally’s hand with an Azarathean symbol for hope and patience (it disappears later, so it’s not permanent)
- Casts “repel charms”
- Through some vague magic stuff, frees the Titans from their predicaments
- Raven manages to tether the Riders of the Apocalypse to herself, ensnaring them as an Unkindness within herself. Shazam takes her to the Rock of Eternity and seals her and the Riders with his soul. Later as Shazam says his name, the Unkindness is freed, and now has the power of Shazam, where it goes on to destroy all of creation in the future
- Reveals Stitch from under their invisibility cloak
- Creates a platform to carry Cyborg and Beast Boy
- Summons a ring of fire around a possessed Wonder Woman
- [Siblings] Powerful magic specific to Trigon allows his sons to draw upon the smallest spark of the Trigon Seed in Beast Boy
Raven can teleport herself and others across long distances. More precisely, she describes it not as teleporting, but in-reality shifting between dimensions, temporarily moving to a different dimension and returning to Earth in a new position. As such, Raven can travel not only between points on Earth in an instant, but to other dimensions entirely. While in her earlier years, Raven claimed she couldn’t teleport across countries, since then Raven has teleported across the entire planet without difficulty. She frequently applies this in combat, teleporting enemies across the globe with just a touch to instantly remove them from the fight. Her teleportation is sometimes suggested to be tied to her Soul-Self in some way.
Raven’s teleporting is typically shown producing “ebon smoke”, which she can use to hide. The smoke is clearly visible, and isn’t just an art thing.
Raven’s teleporting is typically shown producing “ebon smoke”, which she can use to hide. The smoke is clearly visible, and isn’t just an art thing.
There’s a lot of instances of Raven teleporting to a place that visually looks like the Nexus of All Dimensions, but in any cases where it’s unclear, I’ve simply marked it as Azarath instead, since the Nexus as a location is very nebulous and rarely referenced.
- She teleports between Earth and Azarath a lot
- Teleports from the Justice League satellite to somewhere on Earth
- Teleports between dimensions from Blue Valley to Manhattan
- States she does not teleport, but rather “moves between dimensions”
- Shifts between dimensions to a location faster than an early Wally West can get there
- A bit unclear, but it seems as if her Soul-Self teleports to retrieve her body
- Uses “dimension traveling powers” to teleport past a locked building
- Moves through dimensions to teleport past a wall
- Stated that by “merging into the waves of intradimensional travel”, Raven can travel to anywhere on Earth in an instant, as far as China (though note she was being corrupted by Trigon here, which may be enhancing her powers)
- Teleports from across the river near Titans Tower
- Teleports twice in quick succession
- Teleports from Titans Tower to a nearby bridge
- Teleports while dazed
- Teleports to Titans Tower, taking Cyborg with her
- Teleports to her personal dimension
- Teleports out of a building, taking Nightwing with her, even as far as Brooklyn
- Teleports Nightwing in mid-air to break his fall
- Teleports Obsidian out of a shuttle even as he's half materialized in it
- Teleports an injured Starfire and Donna to the sub-basement
- Teleports Starfire to Tahiti
- Teleports all the Titans at once
- Travels from the Nexus of All Dimensions to Earth
- Teleports Vicky to the Nexus
- Described as “dimensional travel”
- Donna mentions Raven has the power to teleport all the Titans
- Teleports into space, though she says she’s unsure if she can do it beforehand. She also states she can move between dimensions
- Teleports from within her Soul-Self
- Says that she may not be strong enough to teleport 7 people at once, but does so regardless. The pain of the others leaves her in agony while she "tumbles through dimension after dimension". Her weakness later fades
- Senses Cyborg is in danger and teleports away at "the speed of thought"
- Teleports the Titans to STAR Labs
- Teleports to Gotham
- Teleports to what appears to be the Nexus of All Dimensions
- Teleports herself and Beast Boy to the Crossroads, the doorway to the afterlife. She later teleports herself, Beast Boy, and Kid Eternity back to Earth
- Teleports Zatara away before a statue can fall on him
- Raven teleports to Azarath to escape from the emotions and pain around her. She does this again later
- Raven doesn’t have the power to fight Laura on Earth, so she takes her to Azarath,
- Teleports Cyborg and herself “half-way across the world” to Ron’s squadmates, landing in the Middle-East
- Forcibly takes Supergirl with her as she teleports back to Earth
- Teleports the Titans back home from Trigon’s dimension. It’s described as the air getting hot and the ground giving way as she teleports
- Teleports across three states
- Teleports two helicopters into each other’s path so they crash, though she notes she’s tired afterwards
- Travels between dimensions
- Raven can teleport out of the Wyld’s dimension, but only by herself. Static manipulates the trail of her teleportation to take the other Titans with her (note that her powers weren’t entirely working properly at the time)
- Teleports some civilians to safety
- Transports all the Titans to Silicon Valley
- Teleports herself and two others
- Teleports Wally to the location of the Spectre
- In an instant, teleports from Earth to a spaceship holding Starfire far above the planet
- Teleports Jon away 7200 miles
- Teleports through an attack from Jon
- Raven teleports Tim Drake and Bunker to a street fight, chanting something as she does it, which is a first. It upsets the stomach of Beast Boy for some reason
- Remotely teleports the Titans into a building, doing so while they’re far away from her
- Teleports Tim Drake and herself to Manchester Black, from Chicago to New York, but it’s noted that it's tough for her. Manchester notes that Raven is too weak due to teleporting Robin here in the first place
- Raven wakes up after being knocked out and manages to teleport the Titans away
- Raven can teleport Reiser back to Metropolis
- Teleports the Titans to New York City
- Remotely teleports Mallah and the Brain to Azarath, her home dimension, and says she’ll retrieve them later before it drives them mad
- Takes Tim Drake to Azarath with an incantation
- Teleports home to break her own fall
- Teleports rapidly across the city in quick succession
- Teleports a guard to a McDonald’s restroom in Nebraska
- Teleports N52 Wally and Bonnie away and into the air
- Rapidly teleports all of King Shark’s men away to a desert without moving there herself
- Threatens to teleport Damian to some slime planet in another dimension
- Banishes away the Psions to a place she thinks is best left unknown
- Teleports to Baron Winter’s house, despite him being the only one to control Wintersgate and others having failed
- Threatens to banish Winters to another dimension where he can fight it out with Trigon
- Teleports from Wintersgate to Uruguay
- When Black Alice uses Raven’s teleportation powers, her physical substance is already on a different plane, leaving behind only a residual image
- Teleports her team into Uruguay
- Intends to lose some enemies by teleporting between multiple realms with her team. Teleporting doesn’t hurt apparently
- Ends up teleporting her and her team to Azarath
- Teleports her team to London
- Teleports to the Underrealms
- Teleports the Titans into the academy
- Uses her Soul-Self to warp past a wall and then teleports away
- Teleports the Titans to Blockbuster’s tower
- Tim Drake thinks Raven could teleport him to the middle of the ocean if he lets her
- Teleports away injured civilians, and later a bomb and the Titans themselves
- Teleports away Gizmo’s ride, leaving him helpless
- Teleports an explosive truck well into the air before it can crash, though she says that an object of that size and mass moving at that speed is difficult for her to move
- Teleports Hawk and Dove into each other so they can fight it out
- Teleports girders into place
- Seemingly delays reappearing from a teleport to wait for the right time
- Literally teleports behind Breuer and removes the Mento helmet as a surprise attack
- Teleports away before a Starfire, thrown by Donna, can hit her. Raven can phase her entire body in and out of the dimension, bending the laws of physics via, yknow, magic
- [Dark Raven] Teleports to Lilith’s location
- [Dark Raven] Teleports to Scourge’s location
- [Dark Raven] Teleports away with Deathwing
- [Golden Raven] Takes Donna Troy with her to the gates of Heaven, though she says she only has enough strength to take one being with her currently. She later teleports her back from Heaven to Earth, before teleporting away on a journey of self-discovery
- [Trigon] Flies from Earth to Azarath
- [Trigon] Takes Raven from Azarath to his dimension
- [Trigon] Simply disappears from the middle of a battle
- [Trigon] Trigon teleports away, freeing the Titans from his control
- [Arella] Banishes Raven from Azarath to Earth
- [Phantasm] Teleports the Titans away, before teleporting away itself
- [Phantasm] Phantasm teleports out into space
- [Phantasm] Phantasm takes Supergirl to Azarath, where their powers are strongest
- [Siblings] Belial, the eldest son of Trigon, teleports into the Phantom Stranger’s house, alongside his brothers Ruskoff and Suge
Functioning similar to her teleportation, Raven can create portals through space with a wave of her hand.
- Raven creates a portal to take all the Titans through from the demon realm to Earth
- Sends Robin to Beast Boy’s location through a portal in her cloak
- Creates a portal to enter a building
- Creates a sort of portal door to enter an Azarathean space
- Creates a portal to transport the remaining Titans
- Portals the Titans in
- Creates a portal to send away Chemo as he falls
- Raven has been teaching Dane and helping him make portals
- Portals the trainee Titans out of a collapsing tower
- Creates a portal transport Cyborg and Beast Boy away
- Drags Beast Boy through a portal to Lexcorp
- [Dark Raven] Lenore, who’s the dark half of Raven’s soul given form, creates a portal
- [Trigon] Breaks through the dimensional barriers to Earth
- [Trigon] Summons the power to break down the dimensional barriers between his dimension and Earth
- [Trigon] Opens a portal to shift Earth, and soon the entire universe, into his home dimension to restore it
- [Trigon] Trigon plans to use Raven and his other children to open a portal to Earth from his dimension. Raven is the spark to open the portal, while the Trigon Seed inside Beast Boy is the key, weakening the barrier between the two worlds as Trigon’s sons create the portal
- [Trigon] Trigon exits through a portal created by Raven’s chakra and sees Wintersgate, which exists “outside of time” and in all eras, which he plans to use to go back to before anybody can stop him
- [Siblings] Dark Raven and her brothers create a portal to Trigon’s dimension and walk away
Raven’s teleportation is described multiple times as one of her most draining abilities, with several instances of her appearing very worn out after having to teleport multiple times in a short timeframe. She also can’t teleport too many people all at once.- Raven tries teleporting the Titans from the tower to Keystone in Kansas, but Dark Raven shorts her Soul-Self with her own, disrupting it and sending Robin flying outwards as Raven arrives in Keystone. Raven needs time to recover after this
- Raven needs to save her strength to teleport the Titan’s out of a location, so she can’t teleport into it
- After being drained of her energy, Raven manages to teleport herself and Beast Boy away, but has too little strength to make a larger jump
- Cannot teleport past a wall of mystical diamonds
- After teleporting all night, Raven’s enemies suggest that she must be tired
- Can’t teleport everyone off a bus in-time because there are too many people
- Raven says teleporting in particular is harder than it looks, and makes her unable to do much else. All the teleporting recently has worn her out and she needs to rest
- Raven teleports some of the Titans away, though she seems so tired that she asks to not have to port again
- Tries to steady her conscience to teleport away from a painting of Trigon, but is subdued and knocked out before she can do so
- Is injured, and so can’t teleport the Trinity out
- An AU Tim Drake charges the molecules inside the room with a special disruptor frequency which prevents Raven from teleporting
- Raven tries creating a portal with the Azarath Metrion Zinthos chant, but is interrupted before she can do so
- Nightwing claims Starfire can get to Lady Vic’s house faster than Raven can teleport them there
- In a dubiously canon comic, Raven says that even she can’t open a portal to a destination an interstellar distance away
- Teleports into a core room, but notes she can’t teleport Beast Boy in as there’s too much interference, blocking her
Raven can create extremely detailed illusions, which seem to be able to fool all five senses. She often supplements them with her emotion manipulating powers in order to intensify the feelings she wishes to cause.- Projects an illusion to the dying Grant, showing him an image of the Titans dead (note that a way later comic claims that the illusion Raven made created a variable in time, which allowed this battle to be altered through time travel)
- Makes the Titans seen an illusion of the Justice League disintegrating
- Digs into Mento’s mind and shows him an illusion of his wife hurting, which takes him out
- Shows a guard an image of his deepest dreams
- Appears to cast an illusion on Phobia, who quickly breaks out
- Raven reveals that the bodies and blood of the Titans that Jericho saw and smelled were illusions she created to fool him. This illusion was so realistic it even showed up on national television
- Creates illusions of skulls against a group of soldiers
- Doctor Psycho tries entering Raven’s mind while she’s unconscious, but he winds up in a mental space, where Raven creates an image of her having defeated Trigon. She begins torturing him before he collapses in the real world and Raven wakes up
- Casts an illusion on some onlookers, making them feel as if their worst fear has come to life
- Horrifies Time Commander with an illusion/mental image of her family
- Casts (and later undos) an illusion to make people see Violet as if she has a face
- Casts a massive illusion against a Shadow Rider of her going berserk and killing, scaring them into hibernation
- Raven creates a highly complex illusion that makes everybody see the now fused Cyborg and Beast Boy as separate beings, including the two themselves even as they’re still mentally connected, allowing them to heal overtime. It requires concentration, but she offers to keep it up for as long as it takes for STAR Labs to fix them for real. Roy Harper comments on how real the illusion feels
- Casts illusions of snakes on two guards
- [Dark Raven] Raven traps all the Titans in illusions inside their minds reflecting their worst nightmares, with dark copies of themselves, "fighting for their very souls" even as their bodies are petrified and turned into living flesh in reality. Lilith claims their souls now belong to Trigon, and Raven says that the nightmares will destroy the independent souls of the Titans, turning them into servants of Trigon
- [Trigon] Trigon creates illusions of murdered soldiers in a conflict with the Titans, that fools all of them. Raven describes him as a master manipulator who turns the public against their heroes and undermines them
- [Siblings] Belial is capable of easily illusion casting, appearing as a human to other humans
It’s used less frequently than you might think, but Raven has telekinesis, which she can apply offensively. Her powers are potent enough to lift entire buildings.
- Raven telekinetically carries herself and some children through a fire and a wall
- Begins altering the environment
- Assembles a campfire
- Seems to telekinetically juggle some debris
- Holds back Superboy
- Telekinetically holds up an arrow
- Seems to magically restrain two attack dogs
- Telekinetically lifts Red Hood alongside her as she flies, and tears off the door of a plane
- Slams a soldier into the ground
- Lifts up parts of two buildings and slams them into Superboy
- Seems to telekinetically wrap the lasso of truth around a possessed Wonder Woman
- Telekinetically restrains and chokes the life out of the Disruptor
- Raises up Beast Boy, who’s currently a worm
- [Dark Raven] Restrains Nightwing
- [Dark Raven] Bends a car and some wires to restrain Mirage
- [Dark Raven] Raven hovers and restrains all 7 other Titans in the air, including the likes of Wally West and Donna Troy
- [Trigon] Forces Wally West to keep spinning his body
- [Trigon] Launches Titans Tower
- [Trigon] Controls Bunker’s energy bricks to bury him
- [Trigon] Trigon slams Belial back
- [Trigon + Souls of Azarath] Grabs the Titans
- [Phantasm] From a city block away, pulls in the Titans
- [Phantasm] Uses their telekinesis to grab Pantha as she falls
Raven possesses a precognitive ability, typically manifesting in the form of premonitions. As you’d expect, this means she can see future events, from something as close as an upcoming battle in the same issue to as far as an outright apocalypse. That said, Raven cannot control these visions, they come to her randomly, and they’ve only happened sparingly throughout her history, so they’re not something she can entirely rely on.
- Has a premonition of Trigon’s conquest of Earth and the Fearsome Five, claiming she’s never had such an ability before
- Projects a premonition of a future battle into Dick’s dreams, multiple times
- Claims to possess an “elementary” precognitive power
- Receives a premonition through a nightmare of the Titans being defeated, which later in the issue comes true
- Has a premonition in the form of a nightmare, which happens a few times (though it’s unclear if this is entirely Raven’s doing)
- Foresees Tikka’s death at the mention of her name
- Has looked into the future, and sees the identity of an unknown killer
- Raven sees something is up with the trainee Titans with her powers, and has to check on them. She has a premonition, and thinks something bad is coming. She had a feeling about an attack on the tower, but the actual premonition she’s been having is about the Unkindness. Raven has these visions of an apocalyptic future repeatedly. These visions are only possibilities, but have a chance of happening
- Raven has a vision while on a date with Beast Boy
- Again sees an apocalypse in the future. Raven’s vision of the future is just one possible future, and can be changed, with Shazam managing to avert it
- Even if some parts of Raven’s premonitions are averted, others can come true
While Raven is much more a magician than a time manipulator, due to being raised in a limbo post-Flashpoint, she is specially attuned to the time-stream, and is capable of manipulating its energies for a limited form of time travel. She’s also shown the power to stop time completely, whether for select people or doing so more broadly.Time Stopping
- Traps the Justice League, including the likes of Zatanna and Hal Jordan, in “time stasis”
- Raven is willing to stop time to help out her students
- Stops time in order to have a quiet date with Beast Boy. She implies she can keep it up for 5 more minutes
- [Siblings] Belial stops time with a gesture
Time Travel
- Raven’s powers are based in magic, not time travel, however she was raised in a sort of limbo, a world between worlds, and so is the most capable of manipulating the energy of the time stream out of the Titans
- Raven is able to weave the Titans together across timelines with strands of her Soul-Self, though her success is tenuous and the Titans wind up 20 years into the future. She stretches the limits of her powers trying to navigate the time stream with her Soul-Self (note that she and Cassie may have a stronger link due to Cassie’s Silent Armor’s link to Trigon)
- Raven can’t keep “one talon”of her Soul-Self in a part of the time-stream for long, and so thinks it's best if they leave all together at once. She teleports them all away through time
- Raven grounds the Titans in different parts of the time-stream by stabbing their souls
- Raven takes her, Jon, Tim, and Cassie to the point in time Bar Torr currently is. Unless she rests, another trip through time will kill her
- Raven uses her “chronokinesis”, combined with Starfire’s energy, to stabilize the field of a time vortex and allow the Titans to time travel. The temporal field later begins collapsing. If she loses control, her Soul-Self risks being lost in the Speedforce. Damian calms her down and successfully manages to pull both Wallys back to Earth, with Damian later stating this stunt threatened the multiverse
- [Trigon] With Trigon’s power, Psimon threatens to banish Doctor Light to the past
Matter Manipulation
While she usually merely threatens to do so, Raven seems capable of altering matter on an atomic scale, transmuting objects entirely. This is most pronounced as Dark Raven, where both her and her father have been shown to transmute things into stone on a massive scale.
- Raven/Brother Blood turns the water around a city into blood
- Raven, at some unspecified period in time, travelled through a lush alternate dimension, the physics of this universe amplifying her powers while her aggression was at its max. Passing through it with extradimensional energy led to her inadvertently creating the Wyld, fusing many different animals together into one being under her dark self
- Klarion seems to suggest that Raven could turn an antenna into butterflies or orchids
- Against a robot, she claims that if she had her Soul-Self, she could ”vaporize it” or “transmute it into inert molecules”
- Threatens to remove the bonds holding Neron’s atoms together
- [Dark Raven] Grows her Soul-Self to turn the entire Titans Tower to stone (confirmed in the next issue)
- [Trigon] Trigon makes Psimon kneel to the ground, and disperses his atoms across the light stream, while he's still conscious
- [Trigon] Trigon’s presence produces a circle of decay which spreads out from across the city, trapping people and turning everything to stone. This soon spreads across the entire planet, affecting even Superman and the Justice League, turning souls themselves into structures of “living souls” and “living flesh” (though note this drained some of Trigon’s power)
- [Trigon] Turns the flesh of the Divine into cloth
- [Trigon] Stated to be able to transmute elements
Smoke Manipulation
As stated above, Raven’s teleporting usually produces smoke as a byproduct, but Raven can create smoke at will as well, in both small and large quantities.- Creates cloud covers
- Creates a dark smokescreen, but Algorithm sees through it
- Creates a small smokescreen around her eyes to prevent herself from seeing illusions
- [Dark Raven] Produces snake-like black smoke, which knocks out Thunder and Lightning. She uses what appears to be this same smoke to restrain Rafael and Francis Kane
Cold Manipulation
Raven can produce a chill to lower the temperatures of others.- Uses her Soul-Self to literally cool Bombshell off and make her cold
- Nightwing feels a chill from her Soul-Self
- [Dark Raven] Raven’s presence creates a chill
Raven can seal away others and close holes in reality.
- After absorbing the souls of her sisters, uses the last of their power to seal away Trigon in his home dimension, the souls of her sisters standing guard against him for the rest of eternity
- Seals the rift between Earth and the spirit world
- [Arella] Arella follows Trigon into the Netherverse to block his path and seal him away in a dimension beyond time and space, though he eventually breaks free
While more commonly done as her dark self, Raven has shown the ability to empower others and lend them her strength for periods of time.
It’s not made entirely clear in the comics themselves, but given Raven can utilize the power of the sin of Greed, which originates from Pride, and as Dark Raven she nearly granted the power of the Seven Deadly Sins to the other Titans, it’s possible Raven can use the powers of all Seven Deadly Sins in the same manner as her brothers if she wishes. The following are how these powers have been used by Raven’s siblings.
- Empowers Starfire to free her from her restraints and guide her to Earth
- Takes Skye’s pains into herself in order to strengthen her, with Raven’s own strength empowering her
- [Dark Raven] Empowers the Wildebeests outside the Soul-Self to crush the Titans
- [Dark Raven] Beast Boy is made a slave by Raven, and she grants him new powers, like the ability to consume souls
- [Dark Raven] It’s implied the Trigon Seed implanted into her by Raven makes Supergirl notably stronger
- [Dark Raven] Raven expends energy empowering her minions, and needs to replenish her power by placing people into the Soul-Wall
- [Dark Raven] Raven attempts to share the power of sin with the Titans. Beast Boy’s ability to transform allows him to be used as a vessel to transform the others, though he won’t survive the process. She begins the transformation, but is stopped
- [Trigon] Empowered Psimon, granting him his psychic abilities
The corporeality of Raven’s Soul-Self somewhat varies, but Raven has displayed the power to phase her body through attacks without it.- Raven’s good self, which acts like a soul, phases through an energy blast from her evil self
- Raven phases through a punch from Jon, saying he can’t hurt what he can’t touch. Jon breaks and chucks part of a mountain at Raven, but she again phases through it. As the daughter of Trigon, she says Jon can’t hurt her
- [Phantasm] Passes right through an attack from Beast Boy
Sin Powers
Raven represents the sin of Pride, the original sin from which all others spawn, meaning Raven can utilize the powers of the Seven Deadly Sins, and can inflict others with these sins to manipulate them. She doesn’t do this commonly though, as any use of these powers leaves her sick and vomiting for a lengthy period of time.It’s not made entirely clear in the comics themselves, but given Raven can utilize the power of the sin of Greed, which originates from Pride, and as Dark Raven she nearly granted the power of the Seven Deadly Sins to the other Titans, it’s possible Raven can use the powers of all Seven Deadly Sins in the same manner as her brothers if she wishes. The following are how these powers have been used by Raven’s siblings.
- The Titans act out of character due to Trigon and his children. Donna and Wally are caught in envy, Dick and Kori in lust, and Raven and Gar in wrath
- Jared, the sin of Wrath, turns into a hulking monster
- Envy can see what Donna envies most, and turns into a copy of Wonder Woman, suggested to be just as strong as the actual Wonder Woman
- Lust brainwashes Wally and Donna into being obsessively in love with him
- Envy turns into Barry Allen at the height of his powers by reading Wally’s head, but it’s too much power and speed for him to handle, so he loses control
- Sloth uses his powers to immobilize and seemingly age up Nightwing and Roy Harper
- Gluttony drains the strength of Donna Troy and Starfire
- Envy disguises himself as an innocent woman
- As a demon halfling, Raven’s anatomy is noted as being unusual
- Raven is described by Trigon as the key to the seventh kingdom, and says he cannot rule earth without her
- As a half demon, Raven is an “interstitial lifeform”, and dimensional barriers have different applications for her. The scientists hypothesize that she may exist across such boundaries, and that she may be one with her alternate timeline self
- The Batman Who Laughs tries to extract Raven’s darkness and use its energy
- [Dark Raven] Creates a weird hell cave, which she needs energy to expand. It’s located under a house
- [Phantasm] Creates a vortex to warp out some fire
- [Phantasm] Manifests out of the body of a groundskeeper
- [Phantasm] Phantasm enters Raven’s soul, and casts some sort of verbal spell to free Kyle from within it
- [Trigon] Trigon’s realm is the physical extension of his metaphysical being, and so when he is weakened, it is desolate like him
- [Trigon] Manifests a trident
- [Trigon] Impregnates a woman, and rebirths himself through her
- [Trigon] In a possible future, Zauriel is killed, and is then resurrected by Trigon himself as a corrupted servant
- [Trigon] Belial’s casino overlaps Trigon’s realm, and the field of dark energy interferes with the magic of even the Phantom Stranger
Hax Resistances & Vulnerabilities
Mind Manipulation
Note that any of her Soul-Self’s feats of resilience would apply as a showing of hax resistance, due to being, yknow, her soul, alongside any other notable stuff listed above.
- Positive Showings:
- Resists Puppeteer's mind control
- Raven has control over her emotions and dreams, and simply abandons an induced nightmare by Muse to seek meditation in her personal place and create a new dream
- Links her mind with Nightwing as he is asleep in order to blunt the Gargoyle's mental assaults
- Joins hands with Supergirl and breaks through an illusion of Trigon
- Doctor Psycho tries entering Raven’s mind while she’s unconscious, but he winds up in a mental space, where she tortures him before he collapses in the real world and Raven wakes up
- An alien energy sphere isn’t powerful enough to fight Raven yet and consume her emotions, as she’s in control of them. The sphere will grow to consume the entire planet, and has already consumed the minds and souls of over 27,000 people
- While empowered by others, resists the sphere trying to wipe her memories
- Manages to break free of Azure’s illusions
- [Dark Raven] The Trigon seed Raven implanted in Beast Boy resists Starfire’s cleansing
- [Trigon] Resists the effects of Donna Troy's lasso
- Negative Showings:
- Affected by a psionic attack from Psimon
- Affected by Phobia’s mind hax
- Phobia induces a nightmare in her
- Affected by Brain’s mind control
- Receives telepathic contact without being aware
- Zatanna uses her divination to see the evil within Raven
- Affected by a poison which begins transforming her and causes her to go berserk, serving Scourge (who’s tied to Circe’s beastmorphism magic)
- Saturn Girl communicates telepathically with Raven without her being aware
- Crius invades her mind and makes her the feel emotions of every person on the planet, knocking her out
- Psimon accesses Raven’s mind, who’s overwhelmed by the chaos around her
- Martian Manhunter looks into Raven’s mind without her noticing
- Telepathically assaulted by Dr. Davis
- Given a nightmare by an assassin, and is plagued by nightmares from Laura
- Affected by the sin of Wrath, which makes her quick to anger
- Miss Martian contacts Raven’s mind while she sleeps, waking her and warning her
- Miss Martian accidentally KOs Raven with a psychic blast, though Raven was weakened at the time
- Raven is shown to have been affected by Brainiac’s attack on a computer screen (middle of page, on left), which puts people in stasis and steals their minds
- Klarion pinpoints Raven’s location
- Knocked out by a psychic blast from Alpha Centurion
- Cassandra seemingly freezes Raven with her mind-powers
- Hit by a psychic scan, causing her to start throwing up. Raven is hit by another scan, and senses the girl it is coming from
- Raven is taken over by the Psion’s control
- Affected by Azure’s illusions
- Miss Martian probes Lenore’s mind
- Overwhelmed by the Ghost of Christmas Past and becomes trapped in despair before Starfire frees her
- Taken out by a psychic bolt from Psimon
- [Dark Raven] Lilith can sense Raven’s presence
- Neutral Showings (Both Positive and Negative):
- Raven’s mental struggles against Trigon of course form the crux of her character. While she has succumbed to him many times, the Priests of Azarath taught Raven what she needed to resist Trigon’s thrall, and she’s said she’s learned to resist him. Arella has said Raven is susceptible to Trigon and Brother Blood only because she lets herself be, and even when she’s been fully corrupted by Trigon, it’s been shown multiple times that a good part of her soul still exists and can still take action by itself
- Gets brainwashed by Brother Blood. She briefly manages to resist it later, before fully freeing herself when Blood grants her additional power
- Briefly affected by Phobia’s illusions and fear, before quickly countering them by making herself feel calm and rational
- Without her chakra, Brother Blood controls her, but his control of her fades with distance, and she feeds on Beast Boy’s self-consciousness to break free. She manages to partly resist Blood’s control before fully breaking free when her chakra is returned to her
- Affected by, but survives, the mental trickery and illusions of Duela
- Davis assaults her with the Medusa Mask. She suffers a continuous stream of changing emotions which she cannot resist, and senses that if she lets these emotions become a part of her, they will destroy her, but she survives long enough for Davis to be taken out. Note that the Medusa Mask can drive a room full of normal doctors to madness and death
- Endures a mental assault from Laura and the Medusa Mask. Laura uses the Medusa Mask to mind control Raven’s friends from afar as Raven endures
- Resists Laura’s mental probing, but when Laura’s mind connected to Raven, her thoughts leaked into Raven’s mind
- Her Soul-Self instinctively absorbs Laura’s emotional attacks on her friends without Raven knowing. While this does hurt Raven, it’s stated these emotional attacks would have killed her normal human friends otherwise
- Placed in a dream world by Doctor Destiny, where she appears trapped in stone, before Batman shatters her statue and she breaks free of an additional dream
- Creates a shield around her and the Titans to protect them from a psionic attack on a scale that rivals the power of Trigon by the HIVE Queen. While it clearly heavily drains her, and she does eventually give in, she manages to protect herself and the rest of the Titans against it for the entire issue. After being controlled, Tim Drake sets a “four-dimensional logic puzzle” in his head, that was super-charged by the chaos energies fuelling Raven’s magic, which knocks out the HIVE Queen and breaks her whole hivemind
- An alien energy sphere wipes her memories, but a mention of the sphere later jogs her memories and reminds her of what happened. Later, Raven has her memory wiped by the sphere, but immediately starts remembering and recovers it in moments. This repeats a few times, her memories getting wiped each time she’s hit only for her to remember seconds later. After being empowered, she breaks through the sphere and destroys it
- Affected by Azure’s illusions, but deliberately blinds herself and begins relying on her other senses in order to counter them
Note that any of her Soul-Self’s feats of resilience would apply as a showing of hax resistance, due to being, yknow, her soul, alongside any other notable stuff listed above.
- Positive Showings:
- Survives an alternate dimension which attempts to rip apart her soul
- Raven blocks Jericho's attempt to possess her, who is knocked unconscious by her soul
- Raven's Soul-Self resisted Eric absorbing her soul even without Raven being aware
- The merged essences of Trigon and the souls of Azarath tried to possess Raven, but her Soul-Self protected her without her knowing
- Azar’s soul makes Arella immune to the effects of Jericho’s Soul-Self. The same should apply to Raven should she ever channel Azar’s power
- Jericho tries possessing her, only to be dragged into her Soul-Self
- Raven says she would let Bertok possess her if she could, but says demons don’t possess other demons and she’s already “at capacity”
- [Dark Raven] Blocks Jericho's possession, sending him into shock
- Negative Showings:
- Raven's Soul-Self gets possessed
- When Trigon possesses her, he wrenches the soul from her body and replaces it with his power
- Jericho enters Raven's body as she teleports (though she lets him do so)
- Lets Jericho possess her as she teleports
- Gets possessed by the souls of Azarath and Trigon
- When Raven’s flesh died, a Trigon seed corrupted her Soul-Self, with no physical mind to control it
- Kestrel takes Raven’s Soul-Self from her body and to his lair in the Chaos Realm, torturing and restraining it
- Jericho possesses Raven (this time Raven doesn’t want to let him do so to be clear)
- Takes a hit from Taylor which she describes as “grabbing into her soul”
- Raven’s Soul-Self is forcibly ripped from her body
- Her soul is pushed out of an alien energy sphere by the hundreds of souls inside
- Violet merges her soul with Raven’s soulless body, Violet’s soul supplanting it. When Trigon impales Raven, it is Violet whose spark is douses, not Raven (though Violet does barely live)
- Prince Travesty uses his magic to swap places with Raven, trapping her Soul-Self in Unearth
- Neutral Showings (Both Positive and Negative):
- Trigon corrupts her Soul-Self with a beam, instilling her with “all [his] essence”. Raven has both succumbed to and resisted Trigon’s attempts to possess her through this
- Jericho possesses Raven as she sleeps, entering the Netherverse where Trigon resides, but Trigon sees through his possession and nearly kills him before Raven intervenes and takes control
- Mitchell begins stealing Raven’s soul, and she doesn’t have the strength to fight back. Raven absorbs power from Supergirl to empower herself and resist it
- The Wyld wants to consume Raven’s Soul-Self, but it needs a full eclipse to grow strong enough to consume her
- Nightwing says Raven was corrupted, body and soul, by Brother Blood before freeing herself (arguably metaphorical)
- Raven is too powerful for an alien energy sphere to absorb her soul, and can fight back. The sphere absorbs souls across all of San Francisco to grow in power until it can destroy her. Later, she’s unable to resist the pull of the energy sphere, but the sphere still blocks her from entering it. She eventually gets weak enough for the sphere to absorb, but her soul and mind are still under her control unlike all the other victims, and she manages to break free of the sphere
- While projecting her soul into the Speedforce, it’s stated that if she loses control, her Soul-Self risks being lost in the Speedforce
- Her soul is divided into its constituent parts, the noble and good half and the demonic half, but the good half later re-merges with both her dark half and the physical Raven, becoming whole again
- Suge, one of Raven’s siblings, senses Deadman poking around inside his head, and seems to block it
- Positive Showings:
- Negative Showings:
- Has her atoms scattered across the void between time and space back to Earth
- Affected by a devolving pit, which slowly devolves her into an ape and will eventually turn her into a single-celled amoeba
- If the Titans don’t escape the timestream quickly, their bodies will break down and be dispersed across the timestream
- Positive Showings:
- Negative Showings:
- Affected by artificially induced pain
- Gets knocked out by knockout gas
- Absorbing the effects of angel dust drives her berserk, transforming into a giant raven which battles the Titans
- Taken out by knockout gas
- Knocked unconscious by a sedative
- Raven’s body chemistry is altered by the Travel-Sphere to allow her to breathe
- Affected by sleeping gas
- Sedated by Static
- Subdued and knocked out by a drugged dart
- Positive Showings:
- Negative Showings:
- Affected by a mind dampener which prevents her from teleporting
- Acknowledges that her empathic powers have not functioned correctly as of late, as Trigon’s influence inside is changing her
- Brother Blood drains her power and places her in a power-nullifying grid
- Raven is unable to heal Superboy due to magic across the DC universe being broken down by the Spectre during Infinite Crisis. The influx of wild magic plays havoc with Raven’s powers, leaving her unable to control them
- Extradimensional chemical compounds in her wounds are suggested to be compromising her empathic power centre, “partially consuming” it. The Wyld later says it has weakened her
- Her powers are altered by the properties of a different dimension
- At some unknown point off-screen, Black Alice took Raven's powers
- Raven is hit with a blast from a “Heisenberg Cannon”, which seems to nullify her powers and leave her collapsing. Power Girl describes the counters to magic users as “quantum scramblers” earlier in the issue. She’s hit again by the Heisenberg Cannon later, leaving her collapsed. The Heisenberg Cannon is a highly unstable probability splitter
- Placed under power inhibitors by Damian, though she can still sense the presence of others. The power inhibitors prevent Raven from teleporting
- An AU Tim Drake charges the molecules inside a room with a special disruptor frequency to block her teleporting
- The Brainiac suit dampens Raven’s connection to her magic, and can’t be taken off without a code
- Black Alice steals Raven’s teleportation powers. Her teleportation powers quickly return to her, with her later commenting on it, but this seems to be more a function of Black Alice’s powers than a resistance on Raven’s end. Black Alice later steals Raven’s powers again
- Raven is flung by the Darkest Knight and has her powers removed
- Neutral Showings (Both Positive and Negative):
- Dr Midnite tries extracting an extradimensional evil from Raven’s body, causing her to begin freaking out and resisting before she’s sedated. This is considered normal for an empath of her power
- Headcase tries absorbing Raven’s evil essence, but she knocks him out while he tries
- The Disruptor’s powers have no effect on Raven’s astral self, who grabs and restrains him, but he manages to project down to her physical form on the street and disrupt her, freeing him
- Affected by a power nulling helmet. Raven can’t recall her Soul-Self due to her powers being neutralized, but she eventually manages to break free and recover
- Teleports into a core room, but says she can’t teleport Beast Boy in as there’s too much interference, blocking her
- Positive Showings:
- None notable
- Negative Showings:
- Affected by an energy draining grid
- Brother Blood drinks some of her blood to power himself up
- Brother Blood bites Raven and drains her power
- Rankor absorbs Raven’s power, draining her strength
- Has her energy drained by the ghosts of a temple
- Ash absorbs Raven’s power and steals her strength, similar to how Raven absorbs pain
- [Trigon] Cassie’s Silent Armor long ago absorbed some of Trigon’s power through an attack on it
- Positive Showings:
- None notable
- Negative Showings:
- Positive Showings:
- Negative Showings:
- Banished from Azarath to Earth by Arella
- Teleported away from the battlefield
- As the daughter of Trigon, Raven is banned from Heaven, and so is quickly banished as soon as she enters
- Sent to a ‘Temporal Matrix’
- Zatanna returns Raven to her timesphere
- Is pulled through a time portal by Johnny Quick
- Sent home by an alien energy sphere
- Baron Winters sends Raven away through a portal and seals it shut
- Forcibly teleported away by Baron Winters to Manhattan
- Positive Showings:
- None notable
- Negative Showings:
- Positive Showings:
- None notable
- Negative Showings:
- Positive Showings:
- Raven teleports Skye away from magic chains and frees her, which implies she could do the same to herself
- Negative Showings:
- Raven is trapped by a magic cage
- Sealed in a cage by the Batman Who Laughs
- The good half of Raven’s soul is sealed by some magic chains
- Restrained in electric chains by Blackfire
- Magically restrained by Felix Faust
- Billy Batson’s soul seals the Unkindness in the Rock of Eternity, only being freed when ‘Shazam’ is said
- [Trigon] Sealed through a portal to a different universe
- [Trigon] Raven seals Trigon in his home dimension, the souls of her sisters standing guard against him to prevent him from escaping
- Neutral Showings (Both Positive and Negative):
- [Trigon] Trigon is banished to the Netherverse, with Arella following him in to block his path and seal him away, but he eventually manages to break free after siphoning 100 billion souls from his home dimension
- Positive Showings:
- Due to her mystical connections, is unaffected by an arcane device which alters the perception of time and slows it down so much it seemingly stops
- Negative Showings:
- Assembled the New Teen Titans
- Founded the Titans Academy
- Repelled Trigon’s invasion of Earth multiple times
- As Dark Raven, successfully helped take over the world
- Aided Trigon in his conquest of the Underrealms
- Defeated her own dark counterpart
- Defeated Donna Troy, Mongul, Neron
- Banished Brother Blood to hell
- Tethered the Riders of the Apocalypse to herself
- As the Unkindness, destroyed all of creation
- Raven's powers could "destroy a universe if left uncontrolled, and more"
- Her possessed Soul-Self fights of all the Titans, including Donna Troy
- A berserk Raven battles the Titans, notably harming Donna Troy and Starfire
- Physically matches Donna Troy
- Rips off a stalactite
- Sparta considers Raven a force of almost godlike power, so strong she was mistaken for the final Titan seed
- Slaps aside Nightwing
- Generates a shockwave which launches Jericho away
- Begins projecting her Soul Self and shakes the entire Titans Tower
- Claims that due to Trigon, the forces contained with her are enough to destroy a universe
- Blocks a piece of falling wreckage, even while weakened
- Sends Kid Devil flying back with her Soul-Self, breaking the ground
- Restrains Kid Crusader, but cannot hold him for much longer
- Unleashes a shockwave from her Soul-Self which sends Supergirl flying
- Throws a cultist so hard it breaks a gravestone
- Draws blood from Envy with an uppercut, and tackles him through a stone floor, kicking him into a stone pillar
- The Wyld is not as strong as Raven, and will only become strong enough to consume her upon the next eclipse. For reference, while not at full power, the Wyld could fight off all the Titans, and it only needed three-quarters of an eclipse to match Miss Martian in a mental battle
- A demon taunts Raven, and claims Raven could destroy planets and blot out all stars in the sky and burn the Heavens if she gives in
- Raven knocks out Headcase and negates the black hole he created
- Raven claims Trigon could use her to destroy the world
- Tears out Belial’s heart as he’s beating on Superboy
- Smashes a dude’s face in with a brick
- Her body imploding could take out everything in many miles
- Shatters a table with her Soul-Self
- An alien energy sphere says it will use Raven’s power to destroy worlds
- Deflects an attack from the energy sphere with her Soul-Self, and, after being empowered, destroys it completely with one last attack
- Damian says Raven might be” the strongest of them all” if she wasn’t so fragile
- Blasts a berserk Beast Boy with some intense lightning, which subdues him
- Fights off a Dark Multiverse Robin. She’s shown surviving this encounter and being imprisoned in New Apokolips
- Raven harms her dark, Trigon-empowered counterpart, ultimately defeating her dark self and all the dark Titans with a blast of energy
- Swats away a Famine-possessed Wally West
- Claims she’s far more powerful than Neron could ever hope to be, and threatens to remove the bonds holding his atoms together, which scares him away and forces him to retreat
- Telekinetically lifts up parts of two buildings and slams them into Superboy
- Knocks a dude out with a punch
- Fires a huge laser blast that destroys a robot
- Blasts through a solid wall
- Releases a shockwave which incapacitates several soldiers and knocks out Aqualad
- Easily defeats all the Titans with a shockwave
- Destroys a large stone column
- Cyborg claims that Dark Raven is strong enough to take on the entire team
- Overpowers Cyborg and Beast Boy as they restrain her
- With Azar’s power, Arella’s Soul-Self fights the possessed Raven, who responds by summoning and absorbing the Azarathean souls in order to gain more power. The Soul-Self “thirst for souls and feed on life”, and threatens to possess everything that exists as they grow in power, eventually becoming the new universe. The Soul-Self blasts Azar’s soul, shattering it
- Vaporizes two criminals
- Raven fights Kyle Rayner and Donna Troy, restraining Kyle with her Soul-Self
- Soul-Self destroys the Technis ship and the Technis themselves in a huge explosion
- Draws blood from Beast Boy with a backhand
- Telekinetically restrains all 7 other Titans in the air, including Wally West and Donna Troy, and later shocks them
- Knocks out all her brothers at once
- Casts dark lightning from her blades which KOs both Kyle Rayner and Steel
- Knocks back both Miss Martian and Donna
- Breaks through a shield created by a soulless Raven
Golden Raven
- When used by Starfire, her purified Soul-Self helps destroy Trigon’s soul/energy, when not even the combined souls of Azarath after just destroying his body could destroy Trigon’s energy
- Trigon has torn a universe asunder, and in a vision, crushes the Earth in his hands
- Solos all the Titans
- Blows away the entire Justice League, including Wonder Woman and Zatanna. Earlier, the sorcerors who were trying to stop Trigon's invasion were strong enough to knock out this same Justice League
- Blows up a planet with his Death-Stare
- Devastates the streets of Manhattan
- Covers the entire Earth in storm clouds
- Launches Titans Tower
- Almost shifts Earth and its entire dimension into his own universe
- The Monitor thinks the energy of Anton Arcane could only be coming from either the Spectre or Trigon, both of whom are currently “out of continuum”
- The ripples through the mystic dimension caused by Blaze’s defeat are directly compared to Trigon. Even Doctor Fate comments on the immense magnitude of the distortion in the Realm of Black Damnation
- Trigon threatens the fabric of the universe itself
- Kills Power Boy and nukes Cyborg with a laser from above
- Even at only at a tenth of his true power, Trigon claims he’s strong enough to destroy Raven, her world, and the universe
- Lust calls Trigon the most powerful demonic entity the world has ever seen
- In a possible timeline, Trigon defeated Superman, and killed every major hero, even Raven and Doctor Fate
- Trigon tortures Booster Gold with his eye beams, and nearly kills him through his forcefield
- Easily crushes and restrains Cassie Sandsmark
- Cassie describes him as an elder god type, and says they might need the whole Justice League to fight him
- Arella claims Trigon will continue moving from universe to universe, threatening all life, and that the combined powers of her and Raven would be unable to stop him alone
- Raven says Trigon obliterates galaxies for fun
- Baron Winters suggests that by luring Raven into freeing Trigon, it will cause an apocalypse not even he can stop
- Both Raven and Baron Winters sense that Trigon is approaching, and will destroy “everything”. Winters calls him “a greater evil than any we’ve suffered before”
- Trigon vaporizes some humans with his eye beams, and has destroyed many worlds
- Raven describes Trigon as “Satan to the hundredth power”
- With an army of his children, Trigon could rule a multiverse
- Trigon’s blast sets off the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
- Kills his own sons by accident
- Plans to use the Chamber of All as a gateway to make it through to Earth and rule over “an infinite number of realities”
- Smashes Bizarro into a platform and harms him. Trigon notes Bizarro is his first worthy opponent in several millennia
- The Presence appears and confronts Trigon, engaging in battle off-screen. The outcome of the battle is unknown, though in the same comic we later see the Presence is alive and discusses creating a new Council of Eternity. This comic is a Futures End story, and is supposed to be set in the future of the normal timeline as a possible scenario, but Trigon and the Presence existing outside of normal time makes that difficult to interpret
- In Injustice, fights evenly with Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Trigon’s minions and the people of Azar destroy Azarath with a blast
- Raven, after absorbing the spirits of Azar and Azarath’s people, completely obliterates Trigon
- Raven’s sisters sacrifice themselves and empower her with all their souls, which gives Raven enough power to blast away Trigon and defeat him
- Azarath begins shaking apart from the power of Arella’s blast, which creates a dimensional vortex and causes an implosion which completely sucks in and destroys a building, tunnel, and bridge
- Belial describes himself as the deadliest of Trigon’s sons
- Zauriel is killed in a battle with Trigon’s sons
- Etrigan, Trigon’s grandson, defeats an angel of heaven, and is the only demon with a chance against Karrien, the Archangel of War
- Golgotha, who’s technically Trigon’s great-grandson, one shots a heaven sentry
- The Spectre and Belial engage in battle, though the Spectre wins fairly quickly
- Belial says that the mystic energy of the Phantom Stranger’s coins might be enough to make one of the Sons of Trigon surpass their father’s power (though he doesn’t fully understand the coins, and may be wrong)
- The Phantom Stranger claims that Felix Faust and Necro’s thaumaturgic arsenal threatens to usurp the power of the Sons of Trigon. All three sons are later trapped by the pull of Faust’s magic
- Belial almost destroys an entire casino with a wave of his hand
- Belial plans to wipe out the earth’s most powerful magicians in one fell swoop, to let Trigon crush the planet in his hands. The Sons of Trigon battle the Justice League Dark evenly, including Zatanna and Swamp Thing
- Merlin aided in constructing a spell that magnified Belial’s powers, allowing him to take over Hell and usurp even Lucifer. Merlin calls Belial “the most powerful being to ever sit on Hell’s throne”, and Belial plans to take over all creation. Lucifer considers that impossible, but Belial promptly shuts him up and literally turns him into a dog (note that this seems to be New 52 Lucifer)
- The Unkindness commands the Seven Deadly Sins and the Lords of Chaos. It consumes “every plane of existence” to bring the end of all things. Its minions kill Superman Prime, and it has decimated the speedforce wall, New Genesis, and Skyland, ultimately destroying all of creation. Some debatable word of god from the comic’s author also claims she’s more powerful than Perpetua and Hecate, and that she absorbed the realms of Dream and Nightmare
Normal- Dodges an attack from Trigon, with Trigon even commenting on her speed
- Evades a blast from Hal Jordan
- Soul-Self quickly flies to Titans Tower
- Soul-Self travels across Manhattan in seconds
- Soul-Self travels a thousand miles in a minute, from New York to Blue Valley
- Teleports to an area faster than Wally West can arrive at it
- Dodges a bullet, teleporting and traversing dimensions before it can hit her
- Soul-Self flies to the Justice League satellite from a great distance away
- Teleports away from a laser blast
- Teleports before a "ruby laser beam" from Cyborg hits her
- Soul-Self outraces an explosion
- Teleports away from an energy blast
- Senses Cyborg is in danger and teleports away at "the speed of thought"
- Seems to teleport away before a bloodlusted Superboy’s heat vision can hit her
- Raven unleashes her Soul-Self and traps Superboy before he can react
- Teleports Zatara away before a statue can fall on him
- Claims she will count the nano-seconds until she sees Bret again (this is obviously not literal but whatever)
- Soul-Self travels across the entire city and back in just a few seconds
- Dodges a large telekinetic ball of debris by teleporting away
- Evades a blast from Headcase
- Intercepts a blast of electricity
- Soul-Self travels from her school to a distant house in the span of a conversation
- Soul-Self zooms and makes precise turns between buildings
- Teleports away from helicopter fire
- Dodges a laser blast
- As a soul, quickly flies from a lab to Wintersgate (which is in Georgetown, Maryland)
- Dodges a hit from a berserk Beast Boy
- Soul-Self quickly flies to the Technis ship
- Soul-Self flies from Earth to Tamaran in a short timeframe
- Flies from the moon to Earth
- Soul-Self quickly flies into orbit and to the moon, before flying back to Earth
- Phantasm flies high above the earth
- Phantasm intercepts some lasers
- Envy can transform into, but cannot properly handle, a peak Barry Allen’s speed
Normal- Endures a ground-splitting shockwave
- Endures eye beams from Trigon, which send her plummeting back to Earth from Azarath
- Knocked out by a blast from Trigon
- Endures a bolt from Trigon
- Soul-Self absorbs thrown cars
- Survives a blast from Brother Blood
- Takes a laser blast
- Gets punched by Thunder, and notes she isn't used to physical violence (though this is early in her history)
- Soul-Self takes the brunt of an explosion
- Survives an explosion which completely destroys a small island
- Knocked out by Terra
- Soul-Self functions 30,000 feet underwater, and protects the Titans from a ship exploding, which she claim is a degree of energy she's never exerted before
- Survives a fall from 100 feet high
- Survives an explosion that destroys a dam
- Takes a hit from a Wildebeest
- Survives a hit from Ultra-Humanite
- Soul-Self blocks a blaster shot which had just taken out Starfire
- Soul-Self blocks a missile
- Survives a blast from Phobia
- Survives a blast from Vicky
- Endures Beast Boy being knocked into her by a force beam
- Soul-Self tanks an energy blast which KOed Donna Troy
- Soul-Self endures a constant blast from Sparta before shattering
- Sparta's energy fills Raven a moment before her Soul-Self shatters, with some of her power remaining in Raven's soul without releasing. Sparta is more powerful than Raven, but Raven believes she can contain her power in her Soul-Self
- Soul-Self seems to survive the sun exploding
- Soul-Self contains the Wildebeest's explosion
- Danny Chase telekinetically slams a person into Raven, knocking her out
- Taken down by a bullet to the back
- Survives a telekinetic blast from an adult Superboy
- Survives a blast from Doctor Light
- Survives a hit from Inertia
- Takes a hit from Match
- Endures Roy’s bomb arrow. She claims its like an atomic bomb
- Takes a powerful shockwave from Wrath
- Survives the outskirts of a large explosion
- Endures getting smacked into stone
- Even while unconscious, endures a large building-busting explosion
- Endures Headcase’s telekinesis
- Raven stands in the “timeless void” of Azarath, assaulted by the energies of “a hundred thousand dimensions”
- Soul-Self’s energy is immune to Belial’s hellfire
- Endures a hit from Bunker
- Takes a blow from a 12th century Etrigan
- Blocks a blast of electricity
- Takes a hit from a mystical attack
- Survives a Martian Vision blast from Martian Manhunter
- Professor Pyg’s victims swarm and knock her out
- Swarmed by demons summoned by a cleric, and boasts that she’s not as easily taken down by physical attacks as the other Titans
- Takes a hit from Taylor which leaves her bleeding, which she compares in power to Trigon
- Endures a hit from the energy sphere which sends her crashing through a building, before taking two more as the energy sphere grows
- Is whacked around the room by one of the tendrils of the energy sphere. She later takes a hit from the sphere which knocks her out, and another which sends her flying
- Survives a whip from the sphere which knocks her through a wall, before getting whipped again by the sphere. She proceeds to get hit multiple times in quick successions
- Subdued by lightning from a Speedforce-enhanced Deathstroke
- Takes a hit from the Dawnbreaker, knocking her out
- Survives Jon Kent’s solar flare, which destroys part of Titans Tower
- Survives a helicopter explosion
- Trigon’s power nearly kills Raven
- Endures a constant stream of hits from a Shadow-Rider, which has consumed Violet and taken her powers
- Survives the shockwave of a hit from Beast Boy
- Manages to barely hold her shield against a blast from her dark self
- Endures a hit and electrical torture from Mother Blood, described as “the full force of her magic”
- Blocks a blast from Neron
- Knocked out by Superboy
- Survives having her own blast reflected back at her
- Takes a punch to the face from a possessed Wonder Woman
- Soul-Self blocks bullets
- Been in a mission that lasted 30 hours straight
- Evaded capture for a full night
- Fought for three days straight in a battle on the astral plane
- Endures a starbolt from a Trigon-empowered Starfire, but is soon seemingly killed by the power of the corrupted Titans
- Endures a starbolt from Starfire
- While possessed by Trigon and the corrupted spirits of Azarath, they say that Raven’s physical form is too weak and will eventually die from the power
- Survives a large explosion caused by Phantasm which destroys a building
- Raven easily absorbs Monsieur Moniard’s blades into her cloak, claiming she can’t be killed
- Donna’s masers have no effect on Raven’s Soul-Self
- Effortlessly endures attacks from all the Titans, including reflecting Cyborg’s billion decibel sound cannon
- Endures energy blasts from Firestorm, Doctor Fate, and Fire
- Takes a strong hit from Cassie Sandsmark
- Takes a hit from Superboy
- Bizarro freezes and smashes off part of his arm, before ripping out his heart and killing him
- Arella creates a mystic shield to briefly defend against a blast from Trigon
- The Rings of Azar protect the Titans from a large explosion and wave of fire
- Trigon’s sons endure a telekinetic blast from Superboy. Raskoff is knocked out by a ton of Miguel’s bricks
- Pandora cuts off the heads of Ruskoff and Suge, though this is just an inconvenience for them
- An empowered Felix Faust defeats Belial , who is tossed away alongside his brothers
- The Sons of Trigon take hits from Zatanna, Swamp Thing, and the rest of Justice League Dark
- Etrigan slays Ruskoff. Suge nearly kills Etrigan, before being slain by a blast from Merlin
- Belial, Ruskoff, and Suge play poker in an “omni-dimensional” room, with several million universes “colliding around and through” them. The Phantom Stranger finds it difficult to navigate, and if he were to fall off, not even the Presence could fish him out
- The Unkindness, according to the author of the comic, is unhurt by Black Adam’s lightning, which disrupts “the fundamental fabric of the omniverse”
Note that, as Raven has overpowered and defeated her dark self in combat, and has matched her demonic half multiple times, any feats or scaling linked to Dark Raven should also apply to Raven as she is normally- Donna Troy: Raven has matched and overpowered Donna Troy multiple times, both normally and as Dark Raven
- Neron: Raven blocked a blast from an angry Neron, claimed she was far more powerful than he could ever hope to be, and threatened to atomise him, with Neron being intimidated and immediately surrendering
- Neron controls Hell and dictates its reality’s rules, Hell being Heaven’s symmetrical opposite
- Claimed to be host to Lucifer and Blaze, and suggests he’s taken hits from the Morningstar (note that this is a post-Rebirth comic)
- The Spectre: Trigon’s power has been directly compared to the Spectre by the Monitor. Raven herself has also overpowered Neron before, who has overwhelmed Jim Corrigan’s Spectre and separated him from his host. The sons of Trigon were also capable of playing poker in an omni-dimensional room that even the Phantom Stranger found difficult to navigate, the Phantom Stranger having matched the Spectre in combat, and Trigon's dark magic has interfered with the Phantom Stranger's powers
- Merlin: It’s a little roundabout, but Merlin derived part of his power from Belial, his father and Raven’s brother, and Belial has controlled a spell which utilizes Merlin’s magic. Merlin himself has said his demon’s blood is his strength. Raven has ripped out Belial’s heart with ease, and Trigon considers her the most valuable of his children
- In a possible future, destroys the Tower of Fate and drains the magic of Doctor Fate and Zatanna
- Dreamed Tim Hunter into existence. Merlin is stated to be the only being who can observe Tim Hunter, when this same issue shows the rebellion of Lucifer Morningstar, take that how you will
- Has battled Mordru, and Mordru has implied Merlin is above him
For reference, Mordru is a lord of Chaos who has:
- Doctor Fate: Trigon has tanked a blast from Doctor Fate, and even killed him in an alternate timeline. Trigon’s power was also directly compared to Lady Blaze by Raven, the same Blaze who battled fairly evenly with Kent Nelson’s Doctor Fate. Neron, who Raven scales to, also easily broke through the attacks of Hector Hall’s Doctor Fate, and Mordru has likewise overwhelmed him.
- Miscellaneous
- Kyle Rayner holds back Imperiex’s energy, which was worth multiple galaxies and could cause a Big Bang
- Through relativity, Jenni Ognats threatens to rip apart the universe
- Shazam casts a spell which prevents the seven Magiclands from collapsing in on each other
- Wally West and Barry Allen play havoc with the fabric of the multiverse, and generate so much energy Highfather mistakes them for the Source Wall
- A sundipped Superman defeats the World Forger
- Zatanna defends against Pralaya, the void which existed before God, consuming all of creation
- Wonder Woman deflects the pieces of the Shattered God, which were coming from across the universe
- Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner fly across the universe
- Hal Jordan’s constructs probe the universe in a heartbeat
- Pre-Crisis Superman ‘bursts the bonds of infinity’ with his speed
- Martian Manhunter reaches his mind out in nanoseconds, zeptoseconds, and planck times
- After stealing large amounts of speed, Wally West achieves trans-time velocity
- Raven’s powers require focus to use, and while she’s draining the pain from someone, she’s unaware of her surroundings
- Extremely intense emotions can knock Raven out cold. Exploiting her mental vulnerabilities is a notable weak-spot for her, and her constant mental struggles against Trigon have impeded her many times
- In her physical body, she requires oxygen to breathe, and it’s suggested that her standard Soul-Self can’t survive the vacuum of space for too long
- Is specifically weak to the light of Solstice
- Her Soul-Self is, most of the time, controlled by Raven’s physical mind, and has in some cases rebelled against her
- Raven’s stamina isn’t infinite, and abilities such as teleportation can especially leave her drained if used too much
- Despite her Soul-Self’s resilience, complete destruction of her body and soul is something she’s never been shown to be able to come back from